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Subject:Recording Audio
Posted by: THUNDERZ2000
Date:11/12/2004 9:36:55 AM

Forgive my ignorance but how do i solve the problem im getting

I use a wav file for drums..then utilising a soundblaster extigy line in i play the bass guitar for example but on replaying themn together the drums have also recorded again with the bass the question is how do i seperate the sound for each chanel so i get just bass?

Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: PinkyT
Date:11/12/2004 9:40:45 AM

I'm not sure if this link will work, but this sounds a lot like the problem I was having a few days ago. Read this thread:

Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: THUNDERZ2000
Date:11/12/2004 10:23:26 AM

it seems what ever programme i use even with just line in selected on the sound card it still adds the drum track to the recorded

Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: PinkyT
Date:11/12/2004 10:34:09 AM

I am no expert here, but here's something that I've recently found out, so you may want to give it a try. Forgive me if you already know all this!

You're using Windows and launching your "Volume Control" right? (Start->All Programs->Accessories->Entertainment->Volume Control). When that comes up, go to Options and then Properties, then select "Recording" instead of "Playback." For recording, I think you probably want to uncheck the "Wave" option.

Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: THUNDERZ2000
Date:11/12/2004 10:46:58 AM

i have tried that just selecting line in on the recording options and nothing using a creative soundblaster extigy external drive. straight from the bass guitar input on loine in...i record the drum track them move to track 2..record a bass line but it has also emulated exactly the drum track im not getting the bass alone whilst monitoring the drums...arrrgh

Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: PinkyT
Date:11/12/2004 11:45:32 AM

This was precisely my problem, except that instead of a drum track it was the metronome in ACID. Whenever I played back, or recorded a new track (as you are trying to do now), the metronome sound from the first track would play and be recorded. In your case I'm not sure what to do next.

Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:11/12/2004 12:40:01 PM

Did you follow PinkyT’s link to the other thread? I believe it contains the answer. Are you using the Creative Volume applet? On the record slider you can select the input. It defaults to “What-U-Hear” which is why everything is being recorded. You need to take it out of this mode and get it into Line In mode.


Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: THUNDERZ2000
Date:11/13/2004 1:00:19 AM

tried everything i can think of now but still have no joy...perhaps im doomed not to solve this...

Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:11/13/2004 4:51:34 AM

> tried everything i can think of now but still have no joy...

There are two (2) things that must be done together:

1. In the Creative Surround Mixer select Line-In 2/Mic 2 as your record source

2. In the ACID Record Dialog, select Line-In 2/Mic 2 L/Line-In 2/Mic as your Record device.

It sounds like you are using Analog Mix L/Analog Mix R as your record device in ACID. This will record everything the Surround Mixer hears. (you don't want this) You want to be sure to tell ACID to only record Line-in 2. Then plug your bass guitar into Line-in 2.

If this doesn’t work, I suggest you try the Creative forums where someone who understands the Extigy can help. This is how it works for the Audigy line of Creative cards.

> perhaps im doomed not to solve this...

Perhaps you need a professional sound card if you are serious about recording. Something from M-Audio, Echo, Digidesign, etc. rather than a game card company like Creative.


Subject:RE: Recording Audio
Reply by: pwppch
Date:11/13/2004 6:18:27 AM

Read this:

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