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Subject:Web site: huge ACID song database -- where?
Posted by: PinkyT
Date:11/10/2004 3:12:23 PM

I was surfing a few weeks ago and came upon a rather large database of songs created with ACID, and you could select by genre or artist, and each song was rated. You could also sort the list by most recent, I think. For the life of me, I cannot find it anymore. Do you know which one I'm talking about?

Subject:RE: Web site: huge ACID song database -- where?
Reply by: blacker
Date:11/10/2004 3:33:08 PM

I think you must be referring to

Subject:RE: Web site: huge ACID song database -- where?
Reply by: PinkyT
Date:11/10/2004 3:39:24 PM

I sure was, and thank you very much for your response. I usually remember to bookmark sites, but I forgot this time.

Great forum this is. I have a lot of reading to do (all the previous threads!)

Subject:RE: Web site: huge ACID song database -- where?
Reply by: MyST
Date:11/10/2004 3:41:46 PM

You woudn't happen to be Pinky Tuskadero, would you?
How's The Fonz doin'? :-)


Subject:RE: Web site: huge ACID song database -- where?
Reply by: PinkyT
Date:11/10/2004 4:14:46 PM

Nope, I'm afraid not. Now I have another web search to do to find out who Pinky Tuskadero is. :-) But I did watch Happy Days a lot?

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