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Subject:Solo still broken in A5
Posted by: ibliss
Date:11/8/2004 8:17:41 AM

Haven't had time to play properly, but when you play the demo track (the one that loads first time you use ACID 5), when you solo a track you can still hear that midi track 'string sound' playing away unless you mute the synth.

This is a bug, yes?

Subject:RE: Solo still broken in A5
Reply by: xtekn0x
Date:11/8/2004 8:45:57 AM

yep hes right the same thing happens on my system

Subject:RE: Solo still broken in A5
Reply by: MusiChad
Date:11/8/2004 12:07:33 PM

Could be an FX thats PRE instead of POST... usually, solo will solo the tracks, but effect tracks will still bleed through unless you mute them. IE The string sound is muted, but if the track is being routed PRE to say, a chorus, the chorus will still plsy through.

Subject:RE: Solo still broken in A5
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:11/8/2004 12:41:06 PM

No. What they are referring to is the odd behavior that ACID does not stop the output of MIDI tracks when you solo an audio track. In the example song, the MIDI track is playing a long note. While any new Note-On message will not be played, the existing long note continues to play even though another track has been soloed.

Mute exhibits the same problem. Create a MIDI track with a chord that plays for 3 or 4 beats. Play the track and press mute. The track doesn’t mute until the initial notes finish playing.

ACID is not muting out output of the MIDI soft synths like other audio applications do.


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