maybe a wrong place?

drb wrote on 10/26/2004, 11:08 AM
Hi all:
Not sure where to post. But i use Vegas software to make DVD movies. I am planning to purchase Sony's latest Sony’s DVDirect DVD Recorder VRDVC10 (a hybrid between external dvd burner and dvd recorder).

I am wondering if i make DVD movies directly from camcorder using this, will it be like the company made DVD movies?

Please help me with the decision.



Jsnkc wrote on 10/26/2004, 11:19 AM
I was looking at that thing a while back, the main drawback I noticed with using it...there is no firewire input on it so even if you're coming from a MinDV Camera, you still have to use analog inputs. It would work coming directly from your camcorder though, but no menus or anything like that, it would be just a basic pop-n-play DVD.
drb wrote on 10/26/2004, 11:23 AM
Oops. i did not notice that.
So if I convert digital 8 tapes using that then i am downgrading the quality because I am using analog inputs?

secondly, I think USB 2.0 is faster than firewire ports. i read it several times.

Chienworks wrote on 10/26/2004, 11:38 AM
Two things to consider when thinking about firewire vs. USB for video data stream transfers:

1) Firewire handles 400Mbps. USB 2.0 handles 480Mbps. So yes, USB is faster. However, DV video streams at 37.5Mbps. So ... who cares?

2) All video devices that communicate DV data streams use firewire. To my knowledge, none of them use USB; at least i've never seen one. So, even if you did decide to use USB anyway, how would you connect the devices? I suppose you could buy a pair of bidirectional firewire/USB converters, connect these to the two devices, and run a USB cable from each to a USB hub. Why bother?
Jsnkc wrote on 10/26/2004, 11:47 AM
So if I convert digital 8 tapes using that then i am downgrading the quality because I am using analog inputs?

Yes, you will get slightly lower quality by using analog inputs compared to a firewire or all digital transfer.
drb wrote on 10/26/2004, 12:09 PM
So on the whole, this is my understanding: almost all specifications are same with DVdirect compared to external Sony DVD burner DRX-710UL. except that DV direct can record directly from camcorder. maybe it can be useful for less important videos as it is easier.

so I guess, maybe one can buyDVdirect instead of DRX-710UL.
