Congrats to Spot

Mannie wrote on 10/14/2004, 10:53 AM
Please join me in congratulationg Spot, as his Vegas 5 Editing Workshop Book has cracked the Top 200 list on Amazon. The success of the book shows the steady growth of the Vegas User community, of which we are proud ot be a part. Thanks to all of you who support Vegas and VASST. Congratulations and thanks as well to CMP Books, our publishing partner.



Tom Pauncz wrote on 10/14/2004, 11:21 AM
Got mine!
A big thumbs up for the book and especially Spot.
Way to go!
Bill Ravens wrote on 10/14/2004, 12:07 PM
Dunno what the problem with WalMart is. I ordered the book thru them and had a delivery date of december. So, I cancelled and re-ordered from Amazon. It's currently "in the mail".
clearvu wrote on 10/14/2004, 1:11 PM
When did you do the "re-order" with Amazon? I'm still waiting for my Amazon order placed September 3rd.

Bill Ravens wrote on 10/14/2004, 1:48 PM
I re-ordered yesterday. After a check with Amazon, I was wrong, they won't be shipping until next the 21st.
clearvu wrote on 10/14/2004, 1:55 PM
Don't hold your breath. I'm STILL waiting!!! And it says: "Delivery estimate: Sep 29 2004 - Oct 1 2004".

I'm not sure what calendar they are using, but mine says we've past that.
DavidMcKnight wrote on 10/14/2004, 4:35 PM
In any event - way to go SPOT!!
goshep wrote on 10/14/2004, 4:43 PM
Congrats. The Vegas 4 book is STILL a valuable tool for me. I'd buy the new one but it's gonna be a while before I go VV5. (i know I know....I shoulda upgraded when it came out......)
Flack wrote on 10/14/2004, 5:48 PM
I am still waiting for my copy as well, October 22nd according to Amazon...

golli wrote on 10/14/2004, 5:51 PM
Climbing above 200 on Amazon, after only a couple of weeks, is just amasing.

Congratulations SPOT, you are a real investment for Sony and us.
Mandk wrote on 10/14/2004, 6:07 PM
COngrats Spot you have brought a lot to a lot of people through your teaching. Thank you once again.
Coursedesign wrote on 10/14/2004, 10:08 PM
Great stuff Spot, I just got mine from Amazon yesterday via UPS after nine days en route from Nashville (train delayed by bad weather!).

(I placed my order a looong time ago.)

Videos are good, but it's fabulous to get into depth with a book like this when you are challenged by some heavy detail in Vegas!
randy-stewart wrote on 10/15/2004, 12:50 AM
Great job Spot, Mannie, and VAAST. Looking forward to getting my copy. I'm still using Vegas 4 for reference also. Wow! The future is looking brighter all the time.
mark2929 wrote on 10/15/2004, 6:43 AM
Great / Fantastic Achievement !
Arks wrote on 10/15/2004, 6:52 AM
I'll just keep adding to this topic here =) The book is excellent as expected DSE, thanks for putting the time and effort into something like this to help everyone else.

KPITRL wrote on 10/15/2004, 7:20 AM
Great job Spot, I have yet to order my copie, but you've saved my butt soooo many times on this forum, that I know that your book will be a great success.

I think I'll order today. I purchased Vegas 5 and DVD Arc 2 when it first came available, but believe it or not a have yet to load it. I kinda feared all the bugs I had been reading about. One more thing to add to my to do list today.

Again CONGRATS!! to spot, keep up the good work.

Spot|DSE wrote on 10/15/2004, 8:49 AM
Thanks guys, I appreciate the kind words, and I wish I had a better solution for why some of you haven't received your books.
I don't think the Bookscan or Amazon sales records are so much a reflection of how good the book is or isn't, but rather a reflection of how much the Vegas community has grown and how interested people are in the application. Moreover, it's been a long time since I've seen so much excitement in the video community over an application.
The "Instant Vegas 5" books hit the store shelves tomorrow, so we're pretty excited about that, too.
Watch for more Vegas-related opportunities coming soon!
Grazie wrote on 10/15/2004, 9:08 AM
I want it NOW! ! ! ! [ stamps foot . . ]

All the best Spot! Well DONE!!!

How's it gonna swim across the Atlantic? . .

dfields wrote on 10/15/2004, 11:04 AM
I was in the same situation. My shipping estimate was october 6th. I sent an email this day and asked what was happening and all. That lots of friends had already received the book, etc.
They shipped on october 7th.

Sitll waiting for it. Sometimes sucks to live in Brazil....
Leimar wrote on 10/15/2004, 11:57 AM
Hi Grazie
I live in Sweden and I got mine last Monday,
we use airplanes to cross the atlantic!!!
clearvu wrote on 10/15/2004, 3:00 PM
Ok, what IS the deal here? When exactly was or will the Vegas 5 book be released?

I ordered the book September 3rd through Amazon and have written a few emails enquiring about its wherabouts. Their reply is the the book has not been released yet. An email I got from them today says the same thing.

It seems as though some have received orders from Amazon but they insist the book has not yet been released and therefore nobody could have received it from them.

Is the book released or not? <frustrated>
Spot|DSE wrote on 10/15/2004, 3:59 PM
The book started shipping on September 23rd, we received our Amazon orders on the 7th of October. Walmart came on the 1st of October.
Amazon's got it in their warehouses, I'm certain of that. but can't speak for any other part of it...
Erk wrote on 10/15/2004, 5:39 PM
Wow, cracking the top 200 -- very impressive!

I'm enjoying Spot's V4 book, so I'm sure the V5 version is at least as good.

p@mast3rs wrote on 10/15/2004, 8:54 PM
Anyone know of a place that will accept paypal payments so I can get Spots book? Did the smart thing and did away with the credit card unfortunately that means I cant make the purchases I usually make.

Any advice is helpful.
Coursedesign wrote on 10/15/2004, 9:07 PM
Amazon sent me two books, in separate shipments two weeks apart, from one order...

Perhaps I got the book that was supposed to go to Brazil :O)

I can sell one copy via Paypal, contact me via bja7777*at* (you know what to do with the at sign).

BTW, Paypal was half dead Wed last week until late Tuesday this week. They are owned by Amazon, must be using same IT department...