OT: Where's that Apple parody?

MyST wrote on 10/2/2004, 8:41 AM
Remember the Apple parody where the guy is standing in from of a white background and basically explains how much "fun" it is to use a Mac? He finishes by saying that he knows how difficult it is because the whole piece was edited on a Mac.
Anybody got a link?
My daughter's discovered Macs and has fallen into the "Macs don't crash" mentality.
I'd love to show her this piece.




MyST wrote on 10/2/2004, 8:55 AM
Thanks for the link Spot.
Kelly must be the only one with the video still available.
I did a search on the net, and I can find it, but it's audio only.
The almighty Mac didn't find it funny I guess and made him remove the video part.
Now THAT'S funny!

Chienworks wrote on 10/2/2004, 9:41 AM
Sorry, it's off-lined. Send me a note and i'll send you a download link.
NaperRick wrote on 10/2/2004, 10:24 AM
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for... Warning - language is rather crude at times...

MyST wrote on 10/2/2004, 2:21 PM
Yes that's it! Thanks!


PS: Thanks for the offer Kelly.
mark2929 wrote on 10/3/2004, 3:31 AM


The Link Spot Gave for Kellys site Works...! Its a Different Version BY Slacie... Really Funny had me Laughing for ages....