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Subject:Hangs on opening older projects
Posted by: tongue
Date:9/30/2004 3:18:10 PM

Acid 4.0f

The program hangs/stops responding when opening older acid (v3) projects.
It manages to open 98% then hangs. Creating new projects are ok!
A diaglog box appeared once informing me that I couldn't play or edit an old project saved in acid 4 when using older versions of acid. This box hasn't appeared on any other open project command and now hangs.

Any ideas?

Subject:RE: Hangs on opening older projects
Reply by: LumaClark
Date:10/1/2004 1:48:54 AM

this can happen if you're opening the projects from a cd. also, how long have you waited. cause i get the same problem when opening from a cd. but it always makes it through even though it may take a while. hope i helped. peace, luma

Subject:RE: Hangs on opening older projects
Reply by: MyST
Date:10/2/2004 7:01:07 AM

The pop-up that you mention means that if you open an Acid 3 project and edit it in Acid 4, you will no longer be able to open it in Acid 3 once you have saved your changes.
That being said, you could save your 4 edited project with a different name, and you'll still be able to edit the original in 3.
I'm not sure if this would cause your system to hang or not, maybe someone can chime in, but is it possible you no longer have FX plug-ins that were used on the original 3.0 project?
Did you save your original 3.0 project as an ACD-ZIP file, or an ACD only file?
Give more details please.


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