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Subject:mp3 clip stutters
Posted by: keether
Date:9/29/2004 10:41:15 AM

I need to run this question by you even though it does not actually occur while I'm in SF.

Using SF7.0b I clean up a brief .mp3 clip created in a little iRiver flash memory voice recorder. I insert the clip into the voice-over track of my video software: I'm commenting on the scene being shown. So far no problem.

Then I play back that section of the project. The clip when played in SF says "This bus took us from the airport to the city." When played in the video project, the clip says "This bus took us from the airport to the city, the city."

Strangely, if I save the clip in SF as a .WAV file and insert that into my video, the "stuttering" effect does not occur. It's my workaround. But I would like to get feedback from people who know.

Subject:RE: mp3 clip stutters
Reply by: SonyTSW
Date:10/4/2004 10:29:48 PM

This sounds like your recorded mp3 is really a WAV encoded as MP3 (think of WAV as a container and the compression type as MP3). If you click on the file in the file open dialog or in Sound Forge's explorer window, you can see whether this is the case.

You'll need to find a similar setting in your other app that is like the SF General pref "Ignore fact chunk when opening compressed WAV files".

The fact chunk in a WAV file contains the number of sample points. When "Ignore fact chunk" is unchecked (this tells SF to pay attention to the number of sample points), the decoded WAV data will include only the known valid audio samples. If it is checked, there may be extra data included at the end of the last decoded buffer that is beyond the last valid sample point. Hence, the second occurrence of "the city" that you are hearing.

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