HAs Videohelp.com GONE!?! . ..

Grazie wrote on 9/4/2004, 11:51 PM
I found this site very useful. Does anybody know if it is still operating? Have I hit it at a refurb. or bad hair day moment?

Loved the site . .. I could check out DVDs for VCD, DVD and other compatibility. I found the searching database to be one of the best on the NET and the USers/Reviewers commments eye openning too!



johnmeyer wrote on 9/4/2004, 11:58 PM
They were up yesterday. Probably just a temporary outage.
Grazie wrote on 9/5/2004, 12:17 AM
Yo Bloke! - Grazie
Grazie wrote on 9/5/2004, 12:51 PM
Nope! Still aint there . . hmmm... Grazie
Cunhambebe wrote on 9/5/2004, 4:31 PM
Yeah, I was just wondering what could have happened?
TomG wrote on 9/5/2004, 4:44 PM
I have used this site also. Wonder if they are located in the Florida area and may be temporarily down?

drb wrote on 9/5/2004, 7:15 PM
Nope they are located in UK
"AC, SE-93133"
Not sure which place that is.

cworld29 wrote on 9/5/2004, 11:49 PM
Basicaly the same sight dvdrhelp.com. down too. Since Friday at least. Ghost town.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 9/6/2004, 4:40 AM
Now they have a message up saying they are moving to a different server & should be back tomorrow.
Grazie wrote on 9/6/2004, 5:17 AM
YEAH! - grazie
BJ_M wrote on 9/6/2004, 7:54 AM
we were just moving both main and co-host servers to a new location and it took time to move both and such ..

be back soon .... this was a good off time to make the move -- needed a bigger pipe with 5+ million hits a day or so ..
Cunhambebe wrote on 9/6/2004, 12:30 PM
Thank goodness....I'm glad to hear that, or better yet, to read that ;)
Some folks around here have even spoted VideoHelp in Florida...lollll
We'll be waiting!