Subject:Intel chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Posted by: Lowtax
Date:8/24/2004 7:46:52 PM
The good news: I've got a 3.00 ghz P4 with 2 gigs of RAM (Dell Dimension 8300). The bad news: It's got an M-Audio Delta 66 and an Intel mobo (on WinXP). As you can probably imagine, the audio skips all the time in Acid and makes playback unbearable. I have to render all my mp3s because I cannot listen to it in realtime; after playing for one second, it begins skipping with very large gaps of silence every half second or so. I've tried everything; adjusting the latency, updating drivers, downgrading drivers, throwing a magazine at the cat, drinking a lot of beer, and it still doesn't work. Does anybody have any success stories explaining how to make this stubborn combination function correctly? Can somebody explain to me how I would go about making this all work in an ideal situation? What drivers should I be using and what magic tweaks and settings should be configured? I'm at the end of my rope here trying to get Acid functioning correctly, and I fear I might have to continue drinking if I don't get this figured out, and this is something my cat simply cannot afford. Thanks in advance. |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: groovewerx
Date:8/25/2004 12:18:12 AM
When I used VIA chipsets, I had to find the right 4IN1 patcch to make them work with my sound and video cards. It sems each combination of hardware required a different 4IN1 patch. What a hassle. Anotther thing I've noticed about VIA is no matter how much memory you put on them, they cannot out-perform an Intel with minimal RAM. My little i815 w/512 and 2x 1GHz smokes the Apollo Pro w/2GB and the same 2x 1GHz CPUs. Sell it and get an Intel chipset. Or dedicate that one to gaming and build an Intel box for audio. |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: DKeenum
Date:8/25/2004 5:53:09 AM
You also may want to contact sony support. It may take a few days, but they may be able to help. I hear bad things about via chip sets from time to time, but some people have no problems. Sorry about your troubles. I hope it gets worked out without you having to buy another motherboard. |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:8/25/2004 7:06:20 AM
The Bad News: You chose poorly. The Good News: I had a Delta 66 and used it extensively (and very successfully!) with my Intel Chipset. (courtesy of several well-chosen ASUS boards) The Real News: Don't try to save a few bucks by cheaping out on the motherboard. You have obviously thought out (and allocated some good coin) to other areas of the system...P4...2 GB of RAM! Holy smokes...sounds good so far...but then you chose a 49 cent chipset to house the whole thing? Tip: Make a dash to your local computer parts store and ask to see their ASUS lineup. If they don;t have ASUS - tell them you are moving on. FIND a retailer with ASUS....then choose the P4C800-E Deluxe. Whip out your wallet and pay for it. Use your Via board for a drink holder or an ashtray. Install that new ASUS....then come on back in here and astound with your tales of stability and error free playback. It's not cheap but this baby is guaranteed to kick ass. VP |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: Lowtax
Date:8/25/2004 10:13:04 AM
Actually, I just discovered now that the motherboard in my computer is an Intel. It's a Dell Dimension 8300 system but I couldn't figure out the make of the board, and I guess I guessed wrongly. I just assumed since I can't play Acid back worth a crud that I had one of the dreaded Via mobos. Does anybody else here have problems with the Dell Dimension 8300 line? Can somebody with a Delta 66 tell me what drivers they are using, what latency settings / driver settings I should be using, and how to maybe get Acid to play without the horrid stutters? |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:8/25/2004 10:56:19 AM
Dell, like (most) other vendors, tends to cut corners on computer components. Still, you should be able to get good performance out of that system. The Delta, like most other pro-audio cards, doesn't like to share resources with other devices in your system, even if Windows reports everything is A-OK. I checked the specs on that specific system. I would suggest disabling the integrated audio amongst other devices like the PS/2 mouse port and the printer port if you're not using them to free up resources. However, you'd have to go into the BIOS, which I wouldn't suggest doing unless you're familiar with it or know someone who is familiar. It looks like it has a 56K modem too. If you're using broadband, there's no point in having it, so you could take that out too. On the software side, you might want to make sure that nothing else is running in the background while ACID is running. Anything in the SysTray (in the lower right) is fair game. Uninstall any apps you don't use. Check out for other tips for using your system as a DAW. HTH, Iacobus ------- RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid mD's ACIDplanet Page Guitars 4 Kids |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:8/25/2004 10:58:30 AM
LowTax, So what's the deal on the Dell....factory install from Dell...ever had it stripped down with just a clean XP install? What drivers/settings are using right now? What does the audio settings tab with Acid have to say? Another big problem area is IRQ assignment with the OS? Are you running WIndows XP or 2000 or what? It would be nice to know if the Delta 66 hardware-wise is sharing an IRQ with anything else on your system... Let us know whats up... VP |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: Lowtax
Date:8/25/2004 12:06:56 PM
the actually helped a ton! Thanks a lot for the link. As for drivers, what should I be using in Acid? The ASIO, Windows, DirectX, or Windows Classic? |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:8/25/2004 12:44:51 PM
ASIO coupled with M-Audio Delta ASIO driver selection should be all you need. Works round the clock for me. VP |
Subject:RE: Via chipset and M-Audio Delta 66 dance of death!
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:8/25/2004 1:24:22 PM
ASIO should definitely be used in cases where MIDI is implemented. (It's great for digital audio as well.) If you're looking for more flexibility, go for Windows Classic (WDM/MME). (If you have more than one audio interface/soundcard, WDM is ideal; you can't use more than one audio interface using ASIO. Should also note only ACID Pro lets you use more than one audio interface.) Iacobus ------- RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid mD's ACIDplanet Page Guitars 4 Kids |