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Subject:When it's necessary to disable auto snapping
Posted by: sk
Date:8/20/2004 1:02:05 AM

Just something I learned the hard way and wanted to share here. I always have "auto snapping" enabled, and as a result, I've had good success avoiding pops and clicks at "joined seams", etc. But I recently was going nuts trying unsuccessfully to delete literally the very last part of a file - at full zoom, and where there was an audible glitch - until I figured out that the problem was caused by not having selected the option to disable auto snapping below 1:4 zoom ratios. I noticed the thing kept snapping away every time I tried to highlight or delete the last slice of the file - exactly where the glitch was. And I was just about to post here regarding the "problem", when I remembered that option under Preferences/Editing. As soon as I checked it, the "problem" disappeared. I thought I'd post here in case anyone else might be having a similar problem and not be able to trace it to the above-mentioned option.


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