Bug - Start time on thumbnail incorrect

vb1966 wrote on 8/3/2004, 3:01 AM
I want to make a button that points to a particular menu page. For the thumbnail image I am taking one of the thumbnails in the pointed to menu. So I copy manually the video file name and start time shown for this thumbnail to the one I created in the top menu. Lo and behold, the thumbnail shown in the top menu is not the same one shown in the copied from thumbnail. This is frustrating. Any workaround?


SonySDB wrote on 8/3/2004, 7:36 AM
Is the thumbnail video you're using an MPEG file? If so, how was it created? If the timestamps in the MPEG file are incorrect, it can cause different frames to be shown.
bStro wrote on 8/3/2004, 7:49 AM
So, what does show in the new thumbnail? A different frame of the same file? A frame from a different file? Nothing at all?

I just did what I think you're trying to do, and it worked fine. But I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do. Best as I can tell, you want to have:

Menu A with a button pointing to Menu B.
The button linking to Menu B should have the exact same thumbnail as one of the buttons that's already on Menu B?

vb1966 wrote on 8/4/2004, 9:36 AM
Yes Rob, that is exactly what I want to do. What I am getting is a different thumbnail in the top menu then the one shown in the lower menu., The thumbnail is from the same video but from a different section, even though the start time shown is exactly the same.

The video is a compliant mpeg2 file encoded externally using Mainconcept version 1.42.

bStro wrote on 8/4/2004, 9:53 AM

If SonySDB's suggestion is correct, that maybe there's something wrong with the file's timestamps, maybe PVAStrumento can help. I've never used it, and I have no clue if it does anything with timestamps, but it does claim to "repair" currupted MPEGs.

Worth a shot.

vb1966 wrote on 8/4/2004, 12:30 PM
Thanks for the suggestion, but the program apparently converts DVB MPEG2 video into program stream MPEG. There is however an analyser on the same website, but it just gives lots of information on the MPEG file but does not flag any errors.

Is there any way how one may correct the timestamps, this could indeed be the problem.
bStro wrote on 8/4/2004, 3:34 PM
Did you read the part that says "It can also be used to "repair" existing MPEG2 PS for further processing"?

vb1966 wrote on 8/5/2004, 9:36 AM
I've downloaded it and gave it a try. I don't know if it is because of the incorrect timestamps, but after a while, it bombed out and crashed my Windows XP, so I won't run it again!

Thanks anyway.