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Subject:Newbie Question-MIDI Keyboard
Posted by: grock
Date:7/25/2004 2:28:56 PM

I am new to making music
I was wondering how assign a loop,sample or MIDI file to a certian key on on a keyboard. So when I press the note on the keyboard it make that sound . What software do I need or can it be done with Acid. Could you explain this most simplest way possible? THANKS

Subject:RE: Newbie Question-MIDI Keyboard
Reply by: xxFT13xx
Date:7/25/2004 4:25:26 PM

you need a sampler for that and there are TONS out there.

just search for free VSTi Computer Music's CM-404.


Subject:RE: Newbie Question-MIDI Keyboard
Reply by: grock
Date:7/26/2004 8:46:24 PM

I thought I needed a Vst sampler but I still cant figure it out.

Subject:RE: Newbie Question-MIDI Keyboard
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:7/26/2004 10:26:04 PM

You would need a sampler that allows you to edit. There are a lot of samplers out there that are playback only. If you want to create your own samples, (which is what you’re asking to do if you want to have control over what file gets assigned to what key) then you need to select a VSTi sampler that also has a sample editor.

I don’t know of any free ones that have an editor but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I have KONTAKT from Native Instruments but its rather expensive. Steinberg HALion will let you do this. They are up to version 3 and you can still find version 1 in eBay cheap. I just picked up HALion V1 on eBay for $25. Be very careful if you plan go on eBay to look for software. There is lots of pirated software on eBay. Make sure the seller is offering the original CD and manual and is willing to transfer their license to you.


Subject:RE: Newbie Question-MIDI Keyboard
Reply by: plastique
Date:7/27/2004 6:21:35 AM

you could use a drum sampler to achieve this.
a free one which springs to my mind is loopazoid .
now instead of loading drumsamples load the samples you like and play them back like you would have played the drum parts.

Subject:RE: Newbie Question-MIDI Keyboard
Reply by: grock
Date:7/27/2004 8:56:35 PM

thanks. loopazoid does the trick!!!!

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