Capturing question for V5

bobbys wrote on 7/17/2004, 11:02 AM
i made a video and captured it in 2 different sizes and burnt it to DVD. i then went to best buy to check the quality on different size televisions. the video looked really great on a 13in but when i played it on a 55in it looked pixalated.
i have been noticing the same holds true for professional DVDs when you play them on a large plasma TV you can see the pixalation around the Image that moves. is this because of the fact that 720x480 is the standard vewing format?

also here are some more questions

1 can you capture at a higher size like say 1280x1024

2 whats the difference between capture size and render size

3 how do you change the capture codec in vegas


Can someone explain the difference of capture size and render size for me


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