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Subject:wave hammer
Posted by: quadjacks
Date:6/28/2004 10:37:52 AM

i have read all the manual and all that i can here about wave hammer and different kinds of compressors and limiters. but i really still dont have a full understanding of th settings. exp. what are the settings and what do they mean, threshold, ratio, output gain, attack time, release time, smart release. i mean how do i determine where to set these. is there some type of scan i need to run. what i have been doing is finding the highest point of the song using the find tool, highlight around that about 30 seconds then run the wave hammer but i'm not sure if i am maximizing the tool. i want the max volume without clipping that i can.

thanx N advance

Subject:RE: wave hammer
Reply by: Hummingbird
Date:6/28/2004 7:48:14 PM

The best advice I can give you is to try one of the wave hammer presets and play with the settings. In my situation, mostly with choral and instrumental music, I try to preserve as much of the original 'flavor' of the performance as possible and use the "smooth compression" setting with just a couple of tweaks. If the results are not to my satisfaction, I alter just one setting at a time, letting my ear be the judge of whether something gets better or worse. Of course you should always save your original file so that you can come back to it for a fresh start if things get out of hand (so easy to do when playing with all the controls!). Perhaps others will provide you with more specific responses to your questions. I find this forum to be extremely helpful. Perhaps you might start by describing the kind(s) of music you are working with to give the forum members an idea of the playing field.


Subject:RE: wave hammer
Reply by: quadjacks
Date:6/30/2004 7:19:05 PM

ty, Hummingbird...
but i need just a lil more info. really just an explination and maybe example of the settings and how they work. i mean the manual tells me what the plugin as a whole does. but it does not break down each slider or button and how they effect the sound file.

Subject:RE: wave hammer
Reply by: MJhig
Date:6/30/2004 7:56:04 PM

Do a search in the Vegas Audio forum for Compression or search Rednroll's username he's already written out a lengthy description of all the controls.


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