Gsonic Gpan, AWESOME!!!!

PipelineAudio wrote on 6/17/2004, 6:59 PM the gpan part of it is free too!

For recording guitars lately, I will usually record a stereo track, one will be from the amp, the other will be a split from a DI, of just clean. I will use the clean side so that I can easily see the peaks and be able to line up timing errors super quick. But I only want to hear the amp side

Using Gpan, I will turn down the clean side, pan the amp side to the middle, then vegas pan control will let me put the signal wherever I want! I can still always see the clean peaks for lining it up.



PeterVred wrote on 6/19/2004, 7:20 AM
that's interesting recording amp & DI as a stereo track.
i usually did two mono tracks, and it's a pain to edit.
downloaded the Gpan...will try your idea, looks cool.
Rednroll wrote on 6/19/2004, 8:44 AM
"i usually did two mono tracks, and it's a pain to edit."

Really? Sounds like you guys are ready to jump through some unnecessary hoops. Couldn't you just "Group" the two tracks if you record them as seperate mono tracks? That way the tracks move together and all edits are done to both tracks. I suppose there's more than one way to skin a cat, but maybe you should look a little deeper into the features that are already there in Vegas.
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/19/2004, 4:06 PM
gruping two tracks means constantly remembering to split and arm the right sections and to be DAMN sure constantly the correct events are highlighted. Many things can and DO go wrong no matter how careful you are...its just less stress with a single stereo track ( when its an option)
Rednroll wrote on 6/20/2004, 9:15 AM
Pipe, I'm not sure what you're explaining. When I have 2 tracks grouped and click on one of them, they both get selected. So if I click on one of the tracks and hit split, they both get split. If I grab one of the tracks and move it, they both move. The only advantage I can see in doing it your method is, that you only have to arm one track for record. The downside of that,. you lose alot of flexibility of having individual tracks and you have to jump through hoops for panning and muting, different fx's for each track etc..etc. Whatever floats your boat
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/20/2004, 11:58 AM
How do you get it to do this? If I group a pair of tracks, it only highlights the one I click on, unless I hold control or shift and select them both.
Rednroll wrote on 6/20/2004, 9:16 PM
Yes, it's true that only the track you click on will get highlighted. Not sure why that is since they're grouped, and I agree it's a little disceiving. But they do indeed move together, when you perform edits. Try it out. Put 2 tracks up, and group them. Then just click on one of them, then hit the "S" key to do a split. You will see they both get split, and then when you perform an edit, they both move together. Also, it's nice that Vegas now has a global button for temporarily ungrouping events, if you just want to perform an edit on a particular event, and then easily be able to regroup them by clicking back on that buttton.
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/21/2004, 4:58 AM
comeon now, dont act like Im an idiot. I know what grouping does, so does everyone else. This is one of those subtle things where the intended use of vegas can make big differences in understanding between different diciplines.

Im trying to put this as nicely as possible.

This is one of those things where you would just intuitively understand better if you made albums day in and day out. It is a minor thing to you, but for what some of us have to do, stereo tracks in many cases work MUCH better than grouped ones.

Dont RTFM the O.G.s!!!! its bad manners

If maybe SF would take it up as a suggestion of yours that grouped tracks would share highlights, I bet it would be great, but still. Every track you add in vegas means a big hit in stability and every track you add necessarily doubles the edits if theyre grouped and the edit limit is a HUGE factor in my day to day working
Rednroll wrote on 6/21/2004, 8:10 AM
You know, I wasn't acting like you're an idiot. Then, you have to go off on me like I have no idea what you're talking about. Well, that's why I asked you to further explain and to try it out, so you could let me know how it wasn't meeting your expectations, but for some reason you can't explain that and choose to go off on me. Then you go off about adding tracks and performance, well I was actually trying to suggest something for you to consider, to save on performance because you're adding plugins, which is just as much as a performance hit.

I've pretty much had it with this forum. You can't seem to have an intelligent discussion anymore for trying to assist someone or even make a suggestion, without them jumping on your advice. Fine, have it your way Gpan is awesome, jump through hoops,forget I even mentioned anything. I'm following Peter's lead, I'm out of here. Too few thanks, and too many kicks in the teeth in this forum. I'll be over in the Sound Forge forum, if you guys want to kick me some more, I find it's a bit more civilized over there.
risenwithhim wrote on 6/21/2004, 8:36 AM
Red, you've been a big help and made a lot of sense on several questions I've had in the past.

If it would make any difference, I just "ignore this user" the people who act like jerks. Individual modship is the saving function of this forum.
farss wrote on 6/21/2004, 1:52 PM
I agree, do we have to start a 'Rednroll resurrection' thread to get him back?
I just don't why so many guys here and in other forums see the need to get so pent up over posts. I went back and reread what Red had to say, now maybe Pipe COULD have construed it as being condescending but why bother, why not just a polite 'yeah I know that' or whatever.
For what a humble video idiots views are worth I think this grouping thing in Vegas is pretty useless. I have no end of problems with it, after I split a A/V group of tracks Vegas can loose the grouping to the right of the split and then it's way too easy to get A/V out of sync. This is not good and Vegas is the only app I've come accross that doesn't treat A/V as something that should be difficult to get out of sync. I also find not being able to see what the groups are as being pretty silly, surely there should be some visual cue available.
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/21/2004, 2:48 PM
farss your misunderstanding the issue here. I was just stating a new tool that could help people that make albums for a living deal with one slight nagging issue of vegas during tracking. It isnt a visual thing at all.
farss wrote on 6/22/2004, 7:39 AM
I wasn't commenting on the tool, I was sort of agreeing with why you would find it useful from another perspective, namely that grouping in Vegas seems crippled to me.
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/22/2004, 12:26 PM
What else do the groups need? A ways back people were thinking about maybe storable fader groups. Now that they do group crossfades and stretching, Im pretty happy. Its always in the middle of a session you think "damn this really REALLY needs xxxx. And then you forget about it later :) Sometimes I would like an easy way to add an event to an existing group. Usually if you use create new with the new event and an event of an existing group it works fine, but sometims it doesnt. Its confusing.
farss wrote on 6/22/2004, 4:14 PM
my biggest gripe is not being able to see what's in which group and also having Vegas loose the grouping after splitting a track. Maybe we're talking about slightly different things here, I'm referring to event groups. When you drop two A/V pairs onto the TL and split one you find the audio may no longer be grouped with your video. If you've got ripple edit enabled as well things can get very messy.

PipelineAudio wrote on 6/22/2004, 4:17 PM
I feel your pain there! The little tiny blue surround isnt always clear enough to tell, it would be cool to color groups wouldnt it?

I LOVE the ignore event grouping button!
farss wrote on 6/23/2004, 8:24 AM
Actually what I'd like is a button, "Show Groups" that connect them with colored lines. Guess that's my software background coming through. Another alternative would be to right click a clip and have a show groups function that highlights all the clips in the group.
PeterVred wrote on 6/23/2004, 9:35 AM
I recorded some guitars last night, a 57 up close and a neumann about 6' out in front. recorded both into vegas as a stereo l/r track. the sound was quite good as was, but it would have been nice to raise lower volumes of the two mics independently without altering l/r imaging. Also, i wanted to pan that guitar slightly left to get away from the other guitar players part and wound up losing some of the room mic in the process.

I see where Gpan would come in handy now. mix the two, then pan in Am going to load it up tonight and try it out.

As the argument goes with you and Red, i can see both points, however i think the Gpan is a good stereo track makes more sence that two monos for screen saving space and processor use. It's not that much trouble to just open the plugin and go. It is a helpful thing to know, whether you want to use it or go another way.
Pipe & red are two of the best of bunch.

Peace brothers!
ibliss wrote on 6/29/2004, 3:02 AM
Just to stir a pot that is already cold...

You might save a tiny tiny amount of processing power running one sterea track instead of two mono tracks, but you are probably using more by running an extra plugin (Gspan).

But I do think I could be a very useful thing to have about.
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/29/2004, 11:41 AM
The plug may eat some cpu, but for this technique its so helpful as to be worth it. Running two tracks grouped when it comes to mix time or editing is fine, but for the recording its a pain.
lineout wrote on 6/29/2004, 3:22 PM
good catch, pipeline, perfect for the types of bands I've been getting too.
PeterVred wrote on 6/29/2004, 7:36 PM
hey Pipe,
I used the Gpan for a session recording a close/room stereo mic setup and Gpan worked marvelously for blending, then panning the blend.

Nice little plug...especially for the price.
PipelineAudio wrote on 6/29/2004, 8:06 PM
How exactly are you doing that? Sounds like a neat trick.
cosmo wrote on 6/30/2004, 8:02 AM
That's a really cool tool. It perplexes me however, that so many guitarists have such a hard time playing in time...and then it's YOUR job to fix it???

You guys have my respect...I don't think I'd have the patience!!!!