MIDI-controllers / Yamaha 01v

pastorove wrote on 6/9/2004, 7:20 AM

Anyone had any luck working with a MIDI-controller sending CC-data? I've tried a small knob-controller as well as my Yamaha 01v mixer. This is what I've found:

1. You need to kickstart. - ie You need too send alot of data fast before it works. Like moving the fader up and down fast one time before you can make small adjustments. Then you can make ones. As soon as you have let the slider be for a while you need to kickstart it again.

2. I can't make it work the other way around: ie Moving my 01v motorised fader edits Vegas - moving the slider in Vegas and nothing happens in the other end. - No MIDIdata is send out at all (my monitor software records nothing coming out from Vegas).

This function is the killer-feature for me and I need it to work before I think it's worth upgrade my licenses (3 of them).

Best wishes / Mattias