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Subject:whenever i make a wav with fruityloops and put it in acid...
Posted by: th3shad0w
Date:6/7/2004 5:21:35 PM

the sound is really distorted...however as you all know mp3s wont loop right all the tiem...i dont know why, i put the volume down and the quality up ridiculousy but still messed up...i also tried lowering the volume in acid...should i try soundforging the files?

Subject:RE: whenever i make a wav with fruityloops and put it in acid...
Reply by: Spirit
Date:6/8/2004 4:28:15 AM

Forget Mp3s. Try exporting wavs and see how they go - at least just as a test. Fruity makes great loops for me - Fruity & Acid are a perfect team, you shouldn't need to go to SF.

Subject:RE: whenever i make a wav with fruityloops and put it in acid...
Reply by: DKeenum
Date:6/8/2004 7:22:36 AM

I agree with spirit. Your wavs shouldn't distort. You need to find out why. SF would be for some icing. It won't fix distortion.

Subject:RE: whenever i make a wav with fruityloops and put it in acid...
Reply by: spiral
Date:6/8/2004 4:47:13 PM

put a fruity dB meter on the main fx bus. then play back your loop. if its clipping, lower the volume until its not. i always export wavs at about -6dB and then use sound forge to up the volume to -.01db before sending them to acid.

hope this helps.

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