Vegas 5 training DVD, Spot

bStro wrote on 6/2/2004, 7:55 AM
Before I put my order in for the Vegas 5 FASST DVD, I want to be sure of its "place in the universe."

I gather that this is a followup to Spot's Vegas 4 Workshop set that builds upon what's taught there? I have a pretty good handle on V4 and V5, but I want to see Spot's tips and examples of all features from basic to complex. So if there's going to be a "new version" of his previous set re-done for Vegas 5, I'll wait for that. Otherwise, I'll get the Vegas 4 set and the Vegas 5 FASST DVD.



Spot|DSE wrote on 6/2/2004, 9:24 AM
The Vegas 5 DVD set won't be released til July, the FASST DVD is for folks that have been using Vegas 4 or earlier. The Class on Demand set that is currently out there has been completely re-hashed by VASST, with all problem issues gone over, repaired/replaced, totally reshot, and when finished out, will have better encoding using Vegas encoder instead of the crap encode created by REEL DVD. The "Instant" Vegas 5 DVD, also due in July, contains nothing but projects to create, mostly focused on compositing and using media generators.
bStro wrote on 6/2/2004, 11:57 AM
Woo, my head is many training possibilities...

Okay, so I'll wait a bit and check out the new version of the DVD set in July. Any advantage to having that as well as the FASST DVD?

Spot|DSE wrote on 6/2/2004, 2:10 PM
Sort of. The FASST DVD gets you up to speed on 5, so it's a short lived shelf life, IMO. Hence the much lower price on the FASST DVD.
musman wrote on 6/2/2004, 3:25 PM
Now I'm a little confused. If you have the Vegas 4 dvds and the FAAST dvd, will the Vegas 5 DVD set have anything new?
davepettitt wrote on 6/2/2004, 6:19 PM
Just finished watching the Vegas 5 FASST DVD.

Was it worth it? - Yes
Does it tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Vegas 5? - No it was never meant to.
Is it a great tool to get up to speed with some of the latest enhancements? - Yes
Will I still buy the complete Vegas 5 DVD set in July? - Yes
Will I still buy the DVDA-2 set in July? Yes

I thoughly enjoyed this breakneck look at Vegas 5 and yes you must be conversant with Vegas 4 before viewing otherwise brain ache is sure to follow.

Well done Spot and thanks to Mannie as well for getting the international shipping prices down to a more reasonable level.

Spot|DSE wrote on 6/2/2004, 6:25 PM
It won't be "new" information in many cases, but "new" ways of looking at it all, plus it's for those that DON'T have the 4 DVD's already. The new set will be 2 DVD9's plus projects, incidentally. We couldn't do that with the earlier set. Plus, we want a VASST branded set for future users. We've got a lot of VASST stuff up our sleeve, including a new DVD announcement for Vegas coming shortly. You'll love it.
Glad you liked the FASST DVD for Vegas 5. Was hard getting all of it into 3 hours, when we expected the DVD to be 90 mins in the first place. Shocked us to see how long it went, barely fit the DVD9.
RafalK wrote on 6/3/2004, 7:52 AM
BTW Spot. I just got my Vegas 5 FASST DVD and watched it last night. What a treat !!! I hope you will also come out with a more detailed training in the near future as it definitely would be a great investment.
musman wrote on 6/3/2004, 1:08 PM
Okay, think I'm getting the picture now. I won't probably need to buy the new vegas 5 dvds (as I have the old Vegas 4 dvds and the V5 Faast DVD), but the new users would buy the upcoming Vegas 5 dvds. That sounds like a good plan. That way old users don't have to buy a huge dvd set with a lot of stuff they already know how to do and new users won't be scared away by needing to buy a beginner's dvd set for the old Vegas version. If I'm right, then that is excellent marketing and customer service.
Now I'm curious about the dvds Spot said are upcoming. It's not the Vegas 5 complete set, right? Can you give us a hint on what general subject it covers?
burchis wrote on 6/3/2004, 1:44 PM
Okay, I probably should read more on this forum to find the answer but where do I get the V5 Faast? I just ordered my upgrade and anxious to learn more. I already have Spot's editing workshop on VV4 and found it very helpful.
DavidPJ wrote on 6/3/2004, 2:59 PM
Spot, congratulations on yet another great training DVD for Vegas. So far I've watched just over 1/2 of the VASST V5 DVD update and it's already been very helpful. Better production than the Class on Demand set, but that was also very good too. Highly recommend it to those who want to get up to speed quickly on V5 rather than waiting for the new V5 complete DVD set.

I've played it on both my PC (Pioneer A05) and Pioneer DVD home theater player without an issue.
bStro wrote on 6/3/2004, 3:03 PM
davepettitt wrote:

Will I still buy the DVDA-2 set in July? Yes

There's also going to be a set for DVDA2?

Oh boy... Forget my spinning head; what about my retreating wallet? ;)

Spot|DSE wrote on 6/3/2004, 4:17 PM
There are multipe DVDs, but the exciting ones are compositing and audio.
Compositing will be out first.
Glad you like the customer service concept, we didn't feel it would be right to create a set of Vegas 5 discs that you HAD to buy to get the new information. The FASST DVD gets you up to speed, the new complete set of Vegas 5 discs will cover old yet viewed-differently- ground, but will provide something in-house for VASST to offer. Additional Vegas tools are next in line for release among other things. :-)
DavePJ, glad you haven't had any problems. All that stuff with the REEL DVD that we suffered with the last series is no longer a problem. Most everything we've put out has been mastered and/or edited in Vegas.
Watch for some very exciting news from VASST in the near future.
Burchis, here's the direct link:

jazzvalve wrote on 6/4/2004, 7:30 AM
i got mine. its golden! watched most of it 2 times. send us more please.
Spot|DSE wrote on 6/4/2004, 10:59 AM
Glad you like it Jazzvalve. Watch the VASST website and our mailers for more DVDs coming soon. Now that we've got the first 7 out and shipping, we're taking a breather during the VASST tour. But there are a bunch of new DVDs on the plate, some nearly ready to announce. A couple very exciting ones.