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Subject:Recorded voice has a schhh sound
Posted by: 3Dartist
Date:6/1/2004 7:09:36 PM

Hi Everyone,

I am recording a voice over using Sound Forge 7. When I playback the audio on my television, the voice has a "schhhhh" sound. Is there any setting I can use to elimate this problem?


Subject:RE: Recorded voice has a schhh sound
Reply by: vanblah
Date:6/2/2004 8:28:42 AM

Does it happen constantly or only at certain times in the recording?

Subject:RE: Recorded voice has a schhh sound
Reply by: rraud
Date:6/2/2004 3:20:06 PM

There are many variables here. You would have to discribe your record and playback chain and much more to get a accurate answer. Could be as simple as, too high a level in your mixer/ pre-amp, SF input, ect.

That said, a de-esser is a possible last fix for "Sibilance". (a distorted hissy type sound)
Check the causes first.

Subject:RE: Recorded voice has a schhh sound
Reply by: 3Dartist
Date:6/3/2004 8:52:14 AM

I hear the "SH" or "CH" sound only when I use certain words: ships, celestial, meridians, this, circle, etc.
I tried the Deesser preset under Effects>Dynamics>Multiband. That didn't seem to solve the problem.
Someone mentioned EQ, but I don't really understand how to use it. Can you recommend any tutorial?


Subject:RE: Recorded voice has a schhh sound
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:6/3/2004 3:44:34 PM

Best to avoid sibilance (vocal technique and/or microphone choice). Can you listen to the original signal before recording ?


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