Which Monitors To Buy

Nolbrainz wrote on 5/25/2004, 7:32 PM
Just wandering what everyone thought of certain monitors, my room is small, also my 3 yr olds bedroom, but I'm getting ready to buy some powered monitors. Tired of working through computer speakers, here are the ones I have narrowed down to. KRK RP5
Event TR5
MAudio BX5
Tapco PS5
Samson Resolve 65a
Fostex PM01


VegUser wrote on 5/25/2004, 8:57 PM
None of those would be on my list personally...

get some mackies, or the new jbls are nice, or I still like the unhyped, flat response from the tannoy reveal (passives only, with a nice hafler pwr amp).

drbam wrote on 5/25/2004, 9:20 PM
More than any you listed I would suggest the Yamaha MSP 5's. I've got a pair of these, Mackie 824's and JBL 4311's. They all offer excellent reference contrasts but when the mix sounds right on the MSP 5's, I can trust it. There's a good review of these here: http://www.recording.org/e-mag/article_102.shtml

stakeoutstudios wrote on 5/26/2004, 2:30 AM
Effectively, it doesn't matter what you monitor on, as long as it translates well into the real world.

I use Mackie HR824s which I find pretty good to mix on. The cheaper little brother of these is the HR624 which alledgedly also sounds verys good - just with slightly less low end capability as it's a smaller speaker.

I also use Yamaha NS10ms, although I will only reference on these occasionally. They're a weird speaker, and sound pretty nasal. They're really useful as a partial reference but I wouldn't go for them as your sole monitors.

I haven't heard the other speakers on your list so can't really comment on them, I'm sure some of them will be good for the job.

If you can, try to beg / borrow / steal some to listen to and preferably mix on before you buy them, that's the best way of finding out if they'll work for you.

Sari wrote on 5/26/2004, 6:50 AM
Look here. I am extremely satisfied. www.truthaudio.com
Nolbrainz wrote on 5/26/2004, 9:25 AM
Just a note to say my budget is around 300 to 350. I know that's cheap, but I'm just tracking personnal stuff, along with trying to clean up live recordings from my duo to put on our website.
Geoff_Wood wrote on 5/26/2004, 3:25 PM
A while ago everybody was recommending Yorkville (model unsure) as excellent quality-for-monney. No direct experience here, just heresay....

HM wrote on 5/26/2004, 11:54 PM
what about alesis MKII ? They are in your price range and I am quite satisfied with them.

RichMacDonald wrote on 5/27/2004, 6:26 AM
I assume you're looking at a pair of speakers. Not sure if you're planning to go to 5.1 later. If so, in your budget range, the M-Audio LX4 is a terrific system. I did a lot of research on this at the start of the year. See link1 and link2. I found the LX4 5.1 system for $405. Love the speakers. Of course you can go up from there and it sounds like you are :-)