Thanks Chicago!

Spot|DSE wrote on 5/20/2004, 10:48 PM
There are images of the Chicago VASST posted on the VASST site for those that would like to view them. We had a camera malfunction in Denver, no pix from there.
Thanks to Peter G. for staying after and helping load out.
Great classes, fun days, good energy from all. We had a great time there both at the Sony Event and the VASST Day event. Tomorrow is the ACID event with Jeffrey P. Fisher.
Congrats to the winners of the Bella keyboards, Hark Production loops, Artbeats footage, ADS Tank, Neon/Excalibur, VASST DVDs, Pixelan SpiceFilters. Looking forward to seeing more of you down the road, LA is next. Looking forward to meeting the SCVUG folks!


SonyEPM wrote on 5/21/2004, 5:53 AM
I'm a loser for not attending Chi-vasst, sorry I missed it!
Spot|DSE wrote on 5/21/2004, 7:52 AM
Dr. D, you're never a loser, but the folks there sure missed out on meeting you. On the other hand, having a VP and Senior VP from Sony didn't hurt matters at all. Was nice having some of the Madison crowd there.
prairiedogpics wrote on 5/21/2004, 8:42 AM
I was at the Sony Media Showcase in Chicago. I was unable to attend the VASST training, but I went to the showcase just to see two masters (Spot and Gary) of Vegas/DVDA at work.

It was pretty amazing watching Spot creating music on the fly inside Vegas with the new Acid loop support! Man, is he fast. Watching that automated Mackie board was pretty cool, too. I want one of those.

And Gary showed us a few tips with DVDA2 that I wouldn't have thought of. Just for showing up! (Spot showed us a trick with height maps in Vegas...very cool!). I can't imagine the amount of notes I would have taken if I could've gone to the actual training session.

It made me see how little I've used of Vegas' and DVDA's VASST potential (pun intended).

I almost won the Opteron processor ;) ...the dude sitting next to me walked home with it... Damn!

The showcase was well worth the trip. Next time around I'll find a way to get to the actual training so that my head can explode with all the tips and tricks.


NaperRick wrote on 5/21/2004, 10:06 AM
I attended both the Sony Media Showcase and the Vasst V5 training and was blown away.
As a new owner of Vegas it was a fantastic experience.
"I want to grow up to be like Spot" - I've never seen anyone more "one" with an application.
Even with an unfortunate "accident" to their main computer both he and Gary did a fantastic job explaining the intricacies of Vegas so that even a "new guy" like me could understand (now I just wish I could remember all they said...).

Spot - a question for you - in the "Aveda" demo you used a clip of flowing water. Is that clip available somewhere?

To Spot and Gary (and their support team) thanks for an excellent day and a half. Those of you who couldn't attend missed a great opportunity.

Spot|DSE wrote on 5/21/2004, 10:21 AM
The video clip that I used comes from the Artbeats Water collection, but it's downloadable from their site for a price.
Remember with your VASST discount code, you save 100.00 from Artbeats.
Thanks for the kind words!!

We'll take steps in the future to keep the catering staff away from our BOXX computer once we get it back from the BOXX folks.
psg wrote on 5/21/2004, 12:29 PM
I echo the other comments on the Chicago was an intense day (I took a lot of notes) with lots of very useful information for Vegas and DVD Architect users.

What made it work was the experience and passion of the instructors

I've been to many "training courses" on software tools ...and the best ones are almost always the driven by the quality of the instructors. Kudos to Spot and Gary.

Peter G.
DavidMcKnight wrote on 5/21/2004, 12:47 PM
Is there a recommended way of capturing the info of the event? I know cams are forbidden, but how good would an audio recorder pick up - Spot, I assume you guys are mic'd? I've had questionable results using a MD recorder with a PZM mic at events like these...can we connect to the mixer directly? 8^)

See ya in Dallas,
Spot|DSE wrote on 5/21/2004, 9:06 PM
We're only mic'd in bigger rooms with bigger crowds, as I've got a pretty loud voice, and Gary seems to not be having issues either. the rooms get bigger, which they are, and the crowds get larger, which they are....
We'll probably start mic'ing through Vegas during the instruction.
kentwolf wrote on 5/21/2004, 10:13 PM

You don't work ITT Corp., do you?

Just curious...
GaryKleiner wrote on 5/21/2004, 10:29 PM
SonyEPM, you know you are always welcome. We still have many dates coming up. You need to get away from Madison for a few days, don't you?! I heard that Gaberdine 4x4 will be at the Seattle seminar (sorry all, private joke).

Thanks to everyone for your kind words. VASST really is a BLASST!

psg wrote on 5/22/2004, 3:58 PM
No Kentwolf, I don't work for ITT :)

I've taught / attended a lot fo tech training from Msoft, Oracle, SAP, IBM, HP, AT&T... so that's my comparison....
kentwolf wrote on 5/23/2004, 10:22 PM

The reason I asked if you work for ITT is that "PSG" is the abbreviation for "Packaged Systems Group;" we're a pump/fluid handling component manufacturing company (ITT Bell & Gossett) and I work in Product Engineering.

I have never seen those initials used anywhere else.

Just wondering... :)
