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Subject:Reverb Advice
Posted by: DKeenum
Date:5/19/2004 7:01:45 AM

I have been using Sony's Reverb (the one that comes with Acid) for my main reverb. On the project I just finished I was a little disappointed with the reverb when I used it on vocals. On the instrumental tracks I thought it sounded fine. I tried Acoustic Mirror and was not happy with the result, but I haven’t spent much time with acoustic mirror so it probably isn’t a fair assessment.

So here is my question. Do you use the supplied Sony reverb, or do you use third party reverbs. Any and all advice would be appreciated.

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: ozzborn
Date:5/19/2004 7:54:19 AM

waves has two or 3 good reverbs,sonictimeworks is preety good,i have a uad card but im looking to pick up a powercore than ill use it with classicverb.

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: xxFT13xx
Date:5/19/2004 8:39:30 AM

i a Waves kinda guy.

especially since you can input the tempo and stuff


Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: DKeenum
Date:5/19/2004 11:08:36 AM

It's just so expensive. Do I need to spend that much money? If I'm going to spend that much, wouldn't a UAD-1 be better?

Let me ask about the waves plug-ins. Is TrueVerb all that? Is it that good? Does it compare to Lexicon PCM80,90, 91?

For the Sonic Timeworks: Do you use the Reverb X or the Reverb 4080L? There is $100 difference between the 2.

If I go through with this, I'm going to have to demo and then spend money. Can anybody save me from that? The demoing doesn't bother me. It's the spending money part.

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: ozzborn
Date:5/19/2004 2:07:43 PM

i personally use the 4080L. il ike it not saying its the best but it sounds good.

ive used the waves verb in the past but it seems like it takes to much work editing to get what im looking for.
i have 1 uad card and the la2a is amazing as a limter.when i turn it on it just sounds right.

the pultec is also amazing for adding hi-end sheen on vocals.
but the reverb sounds to metallic for me.(i only have realverb).

ive heard great things about t.c. powercore classic verb but i am a little skeptic about running these thru some DX-VST adapter.

please,if anyone has any expiernce with acid 4.0 and t.c. powercore please share.

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: Big_Faced_Boy
Date:5/19/2004 3:46:56 PM

The TC Powercore rocks. It is the best thing I bought in ages. (I got the Powercore PCI). It works in ACID 4 using FXPansion VST-DX adapter, but is only worth using on the master buss, as serious sync problems occur when running it on multiple busses. Hopefully ACID 5 will provide full VST support so this won't be an issue. I also saw the Virus at a friend's house, (he works for Access and was testing it, if you buy it, you'll be using his patches!) it is by far the best software (?) synth I have ever seen. The fader smoothing is fantastic, gives a really smooth sweep and the filters are superb. I say if you want the Virus, then get the single DSP license first, as you'll be going some to use more than this.

In summary, yes the TC Powercore is utterly amazing for mastering and general effecting and the Master X3 makes the best Waves MB dynamic processors look SHITE. The reverbs are transparent and pro sounding, and the Tubifex guitar amp simulator... well, I'll let you find out for yourself. It runs like a dream under Cubase SX but the fact that ACID doesn't support it natively makes its use limited on that platform. Don't think about it, just get one. NOW! Sell your grandmother or what/whoever!

Agreed, Waves RVerb is pretty good, but is extremely processor intensive. I'd recommend looking at TC native Reverb as a basic reverb plugin (hardly uses any cpu and Sony reverb is rotten in comparison) and the other TC reverb plugins for mastering as they have much more in the way of controls.


Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: schirall
Date:5/19/2004 4:45:43 PM

i agree also waves bundles is all ineed!!

db audioware has a good delay that's free. go to the website.

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: schirall
Date:5/19/2004 4:46:42 PM

you could demo the waves for fourteen days!

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: drbam
Date:5/19/2004 9:16:18 PM

No reverb plugin (native) will even come close to the Lexicon PCM series hardware. The only plugs that are in this league are TDM versions and of course that's a whole different world than what is being discussed here. All of the verbs mentioned in this thread so far sound pretty decent . . . that is until you A/B them with a high end hardware unit. I've done this several times and frankly I rarely even bother with plugin verbs any more. Delays, eq's compressors, filters, etc., are another story.


Reply by: ozzborn
Date:5/19/2004 9:20:25 PM

i have a finalizer from tc and the multiband compressor on it is really good.but the waves mastering bundle linear phase e.q. is just so transparent,i rarely use my finalizer in mastering chain.(software is just so convient).

i want to pickup the powercore express (just for classicverb,megaverb,and masterx3)
is the master x 3 really that good.(does it have a multiband limiter aswell as a multiband compressor.)
i also have 3 pulsar cards so im wondering if the virus is really needed. (3 pulsar cards,z3ta,reason,v-station, and vangaurd.)

today ive been messing with izope ozone and so far im impressed, i cant compare the multi-band of the ozone to the finalizer cause i ve just used it to limit the bottom end and to lower the gain belowon the bottom band below 70 hz. but it seems to act very similar to the finalizer.

Subject:RE: Big_Faced_Boy
Reply by: Big_Faced_Boy
Date:5/20/2004 5:12:59 AM

I'm pretty sure the master X3 does not work on the Powercore Express. You have been warned! I used to use waves LinMB and C4 for all my mastering, but they do not compare to Master X3. I now just use Waves on groups in ACID to just sit on top of the sound and in Sound Forge for tweaking samples. I like the way LinMB gets everything to sit back in the middle, but as far as dynamics go, it's not a patch on Master X3. Yes, it's multiband dynamics, mb limiter and mb expander each with a Target factor, so you can target your master to flat, smiley, etc. This can provide some really good pumping and you really can't get that from LinMB. I can only imagine that Master X5 is great too, I can't afford it at the moment, so I don't know! Anyway, if it sounds this good with 3 bands, I'm not convinced I need 5.

As for Izotope Ozone, I stopped using that as soon as I realised how bad it was making my mixes sound. I've not tried the latest version, I'd hope it's improved somewhat from when I tried it. The Powercore's EqSat plugin is the most transparent eq I've ever heard on a computer, the MasterX3 is the best multiband dynamics I've ever heard on a computer, ClassicVerb and Mega Reverb are the best I've ever... you get the picture....

The Virus is fantastic, but like me, if you don't really NEED it, then why shell out all that hard-earned dosh? I may buy it next time I've the cash to do so, but with so many hardware synths lying about, I'm not really short of sounds. The filter IS lovely on the Virus and you can route audio to it, so it's almost worth the money just for that in my book...


Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: DKeenum
Date:5/20/2004 7:10:32 AM

Just for me, I don't want to deal with the T.C. stuff and an adaptor... at least at this point. And if the UAD reverb is not spectacular, then I need to look at the 4080 and waves.

Ok, let me ask this another way. Over time, do you think I'll be happy with the Sonic Timeworks or Waves reverbs. Are they that much better than sony reverbs? I'm asking this in reference to using them daily in a pro situation.

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:5/20/2004 9:27:23 AM

Hi DKeenum
Waves IR1 (acoustic mirror 2004) kinda CPU heavy but worth the sound.
get the two CD Impulse library if you can afford it.
Waves Rverb is very nice for verb fx (I use this one allot)
Waves TrueVerb is cool for if you want a certain Room or space.
I use alot of TDM stuff that is KILLER, like
TL Space
but trying to get them to port to DX is a whole another story!
The Timeworks stuff is cool too.

Demo the Waves stuff

George Ware

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: DKeenum
Date:5/20/2004 10:16:24 AM

Thanks George. I'm going to demo the waves and Sonic Timeworks stuff.

Subject:RE: Reverb Advice
Reply by: jumbuk
Date:5/20/2004 4:38:43 PM

I have the Waves Native Bundle. Yes, it's expensive, but it's worth the money. Trueverb is better than nearly any hardware reverb I have heard. Including Lexicon.

You can buy Trueverb on its own, but the bundle is better value.

Trueverb excells at creating real reverb spaces. If you want a techy, FX-style reverb, then you might be disappointed. If you just want to add high-quality ambience, with plenty of detailed control over the parameters, Trueverb is the way to go.

- jumbuk

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