
PipelineAudio wrote on 5/13/2004, 11:27 PM
We're just starting to get to the elementary features. I think its coming


stakeoutstudios wrote on 5/14/2004, 2:33 AM
Lets hope, this one's long long overdue.

Recently I asked a band with masses (I mean loads and loads ) of time-signature and tempo changes to bring their own metronome track that I could import. It saved a hell of a lot of studio time.

If this were easily done in Vegas it would be fantastic. I was lucky this time that the band were capable of sorting this out for themselves, most the time it would just mean recording without a metronome.

pwppch wrote on 5/14/2004, 6:34 AM
Vegas is not a sequencer. It is a NLE. If you need a variable BPM based time line, then you should look at our ACID product.

Foreverain4 wrote on 5/14/2004, 9:48 AM
have you tried recording with acid? it is way too cumbersome. you guys have said yourself acid is designed to be a production tool, not a multitrack...

Foreverain4 wrote on 5/14/2004, 9:53 AM
eyeshow, i have been using a program called Metrosonus. it is a software metronone that allows you to create wav. files from it. check it out. the trial version lets you use it 10 times i think. but it is only $25.
stakeoutstudios wrote on 5/14/2004, 11:36 AM
As you can't multitrack into ACID that's a bit of a moot point.

I need to be able to record a real live drummer to a variable tempo metronome, and although there are cumbersome workarounds, is there any particular reason a Non-Linear-Editing system should not be able to do this?

Vegas is marketed as a multitrack audio mixing and editing system, anything that enhances this aspect should duly be considered!

It is not only composers and musical creation that require this feature but it is in fact very useful to the very recording editing and mixing of music.

PipelineAudio wrote on 5/14/2004, 12:35 PM
Foreverrain, NICE!!!!! thanks for the link

Peter, in mixing and editing if your project has multiple tempos, you will need multiple grids.

The tempo change really need not DO anything except visually to be a BIG step forward. Of course we'd like the metronome to follow, but there are workarounds for that.

I could see how this can make that new acid functionality tricky

The multiple tempos are necessary and there is no way around that
pwppch wrote on 5/14/2004, 2:05 PM
I am not arguing the need, but what Vegas 5 does now. Vegas 5 will NOT have a tempo map. I cannot comment on Vegas versions beyond 5.

PipelineAudio wrote on 5/14/2004, 2:08 PM
thats fair
roger_74 wrote on 5/15/2004, 2:42 AM
I've been thinking about a workaround for this with a clicktrack generated from a script. I'm not a musician or a recording engineer so if I'm to do it you would have to put up with all my questions.

First of all; is it a feasible workaround for you guys? Or does the fact that the timeline is wrong ruin it? Markers could be automatically created if you need something to snap to (other than the clicks).
SHTUNOT wrote on 5/15/2004, 5:44 AM
The best method is to rewire acid to vegas. Set all your tempo changes in acid for the song and route the "click" the the drummers headphones and multi track with... This way vegas stays a Nle and yadda yadda yadda...Next question...;)


[I guess its obvious what I'd like to do with V5 and AP5]
jardeano wrote on 5/15/2004, 7:27 AM
"The best method is to rewire acid to vegas"

I can't wait for the day,,,,

C'mon Sony,, what were you thinking? I'm very disappointed,,,,,,, ya so close yet so far away,,,,
Foreverain4 wrote on 5/15/2004, 8:26 AM
no prob pipe. i have been using this metronome live too. i made a few suggestions to the creator about it, and within a month, he emailed me a beta that i am testing right now. new features include being able to create a playlist (this is usefull in a live situation) rather than having to manually load every file that you create. also, you can turn off the sounds. this was annoying cause you would get a loud CLICK every time you pushed a button. then, you can now use the space bar to start and stop the metronone.
PipelineAudio wrote on 5/15/2004, 10:18 AM
The rewire is not a solution for editing. The grid needs to be there so that you know visually where to stick stuff.
doctorfish wrote on 5/15/2004, 3:36 PM

This would work for me. Obviously it'd be nice to have the grid but since Peter says Vegas 5 will NOT have a tempo map, then there's no use worrying about it. And if markers could be created that would help with editing and alignment. Of course that might mean A LOT of markers if someone wants them on every eighth or sixteenth note, but there isn't going to be any perfect solution that doesn't come from Sony, so I say yes, I'm very interested in seeing if a script could do this and will be happy to answer any more questions you may have.

I'm actually a little surprised that no one else in this thread has commented on your offer.

PipelineAudio wrote on 5/16/2004, 3:45 AM
Any chance of a drop down script so we can quickly choose between different metronome click wave samples?
imac wrote on 5/16/2004, 3:34 PM
I have to agree that having no grid and nothing to snap to is the one biggest lacking features, now that other items have been addressed.

I don't really understand Sonys thinking, when they say create in acid but then why in mid project do time grid and snapping suddenly become unimportant?
Yes I can make the click in acid. I multitrack in Vegas but still want to cut and paste to a grid. The only way to work without it is visually lining up to an audio click, which is so slow.

When a project is on one tempo I can use Vegas.

For complex maps I still have to use Logic for this very reason. I don't want to use Logic. Audio in Logic is impossible. I only want to use Vegas.

Sony please reconsider your position for the future.

Just a grid, for the metronome, a visual thing and for snapping.
SckidMarq wrote on 5/19/2004, 10:37 AM
I think the script idea, creating markers to define tempo changes, would be very helpful. If it could create regions for each measure and a parameter to set a marker for either 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4 or 1/2 notes would be great. Also if you could define a region to apply the script to so it doesn't clutter the whole time line with markers if they're not needed.
Rednroll wrote on 5/19/2004, 12:45 PM
"Sony please reconsider your position for the future."

From SonyPCH:
"I am not arguing the need, but what Vegas 5 does now. Vegas 5 will NOT have a tempo map. I cannot comment on Vegas versions beyond 5."

I think that's pretty obvious, that they already have.

imac wrote on 5/20/2004, 3:52 PM
Just putting in my vote!

If we don't ask we surely will not see what ever it is we want.

If enough of us ask then it will be prioritised accordingly

Geoff_Wood wrote on 5/21/2004, 3:22 AM
How about the grid having darker lines on the bar than the beat. Otherwise need to keep reading the numbers when zooming.

drbam wrote on 5/21/2004, 7:06 AM
>>How about the grid having darker lines on the bar than the beat.<<

Yes! The faint grid line issue is extrememly frustrating for me and results in adding a great deal of extra time in some of my intensive editing sessions.

PipelineAudio wrote on 5/21/2004, 7:46 AM
how about having the gridlines VERY visible even when snapping is off?
keas wrote on 8/15/2004, 3:06 PM
The replies ive seen on here are the biggest load of BS ive ever seen. Sony you should be ashamed of yourselves. Quit giving excuses and just fix it...No one should ever record without a click track period. This is (and ill repeat another user) elementary. If you want vegas to just be a video editor then for god sakes quit pushing it on people as a multitrack recording solution... I have a song that has a 4/4 time signature for choruses and 3/4 for verses all on the same yeah i can "workaround" and record to one click but when i set up a beatmap say with a sampled hi hat... i want my grid to show those time signature changes for editing purposes...have you ever tried to fly in a piece of 3/4 on to a 4/4 grid...its ridiculous...please stop being defensive and just take these users words for needs a time signature/tempo change feature wherever you want to mark it in the song...and forget ACID that thing is good for hip hop and rap and thats about it....if Vegas is not a multitrack recording solution...then tell everyone...hey this is a video editor...I was sad when the two products were combined in the first place. The unfortunate thing is...Ive used them name it ive played with it...and vegas is one of the easiest to use...with a few adjustments and added features it could be the number one audio multitracking tool for a small or home far surpases any others for pre production work because of the ease...any idiot musician can figure it out and throw down preproduction it is great but can be better if Sony just listens to the people out there that use it. But with Pro tools becoming more affordable with things like Mbox..Vegas needs to add some of the things these people are asking for.