
Luxo wrote on 4/29/2004, 2:17 PM
Satish, can you give us some hints as to the new features you're adding to the frameserver? The old was was already flawless, I'm curious what the improvements are.
musman wrote on 4/29/2004, 2:19 PM
Satish, thank you for all your time and efforts here. I am ashamed to admit that despite doing searches here and checking out your web site that I still don't really understand what the frameserver is and how it works. WAX I've got and am learning, but these open source filters and frameserver are a complete mystery to me. I know it is alink b/t vegas and things like AE, but how and what it can do I don't understand.
Could someone please explain a little bit to me about this, or maybe point me in the direction of a site that explains it to a total newbie.
Sorry to be difficult, but I really did try to research this and am getting nowhere.
satish wrote on 4/29/2004, 2:25 PM
Feature set is not completely decided yet, will disclose once that is frozen.
Bill Ravens wrote on 4/29/2004, 3:03 PM
Satish's frameserver allows you to output your rendered video straight into another application, like virtualdub. The advantage is that you don't really have to take the time it takes to write/read the final output file, nor the disk space it takes to write it to. In effect I/O is shortened and simplified, less time to get to a marketable final video stream. Let's say you didn't like the way Vegas transcodes to MPEG. You could output an avi to the frameserver, which in turn will input the frame stream to the input of TMPGenc and perform the transcodeing in TMPGenc without ever writing the final avi videostream to your hard disk. get it?
aussiemick wrote on 4/29/2004, 3:41 PM
Didn't work. That's ok I'll wait. Thanks for all the work!
satish wrote on 4/29/2004, 3:48 PM
Do you have V4 and V5? Did you get a failure message or success?
aussiemick wrote on 4/29/2004, 3:55 PM
Failure message. Have 4&5.
satish wrote on 4/29/2004, 4:03 PM
Does your login have admin priviledges? If not, that could be the reason because this patch does registry editing..

If you do have admin priviledges, it would help if you contact me by email (webmaster of debugmode dot com) so i can find what is the problem and fix soon.
taliesin wrote on 4/29/2004, 5:08 PM
The patch works fine on my system. Thanks a lot!

ricklaut wrote on 4/29/2004, 6:07 PM
Thanks, satish! It worked for me!

BJ_M wrote on 4/29/2004, 8:00 PM
works fine withOUT vegas 4 installed ...

thanks !
aussiemick wrote on 4/29/2004, 10:26 PM
Thanks for your help Satish, I reinstalled frame server and patch worked this time.
musman wrote on 4/29/2004, 10:56 PM
Thank you for the help. I think I get it. On my last project I would render an uncompressed avi, then open it in AE, then render another uncompressed avi in AE, then open that in Vegas and make a MPEG2 for dvd.
With frameserver I could have output the (uncompressed?) avi to AE, open that file in AE, done the work I needed in AE, then rendered in AE. Right? Thus I never had to render the project in Vegas the first time and I saved the space on my HD in doing so. Am I getting it?
BJ_M wrote on 4/30/2004, 12:07 AM
yes -- that is correct
cyanide149 wrote on 4/30/2004, 4:33 AM
Satish- I'm still using V4, and I have a question. When I "render as" your frameserver avi, it sets up the file correctly. My question is, how do I remove the file later. I've had a problem in the past, e.g. trying to free up drive space, of clicking on the file (not being sure what it is) and getting the message "frameserver not serving" or something like it. When I get the message, I can't do anything with it. I usually have to <ctl><alt><delete> to end it.
donp wrote on 4/30/2004, 6:41 AM
Thanks Satish it work in V5.0a great. About cyanide149 issue, I have it too in Vegas 4. After the render is done and I wish to delete the .avi that the frameserver created I get a message the file is not serving eventhough it lets me delete the message stays around for a couple of seconds. Sometime it resets my desktot and shuts down some programs in my taskbar. I have not used it enough in Vegas 5.0a to see if it will act different here, but maybe that's one of the things your working on too.
satish wrote on 4/30/2004, 7:27 AM
Try to delete the signpost AVI when the FS is still running. The problem is explorer tries to read the AVI file to show thumbnails if you have web desktop enabled, or if you have preview enabled in explorer.