Vegas 4 or Vegas 5...that is the question

dwhopson wrote on 4/22/2004, 9:12 PM
Hi Guys,

I've been waiting for Vegas5 to come out. I plan on using it for mainly audio editing.

Two questions:

1. Is the audio functioning of Vegas5 stable in it's current state?

2. Should I consider a still available copy of Vegas4 with a free upgrade download to case there are stability options? (purchasing through educational distribution)

For what I software must absolutely work correctly. This is part of the reason I'm about to dump my current editing system.

Thanks for the input!


Ben  wrote on 4/23/2004, 12:29 PM
Hi. Just get V5. It's rock solid for me and it seems many others here.

MacMoney wrote on 4/23/2004, 5:16 PM
Go with Vegas 5!

George Ware
decrink wrote on 4/23/2004, 11:44 PM
I'm porting everything over to 5 as fast as I can. Lots of everything on two major CD projects and not even a hiccup in the changeover. Lots of new stuff in V5 that is definitely worth the upgrade.