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Subject:Need help finding older loops
Posted by: stretch0069
Date:4/9/2004 1:49:53 AM

A while back I posted that my original ACID Music (ver1 or 2, not sure) CD had been destroyed. I needed it because I had started some songs and wanted to mess with them again. I purchased ACID 3.0, but it doesn't include the older loops.

I contacted Sony to see if I could get a replacement CD. They don't have any. I asked if I could make a copy of an older version CD. I got some legal mumbo-jumbo.

Here is what I need: the old version 1 and 2 (I put both because I'm not sure wihich version I had) loops that were packaged with those installs. Sony was of no help whatsoever (big suprise). Can someone point me to where I can get these loops? Buying 10 different CDs just to get the loops I need is not an option.

Subject:RE: Need help finding older loops
Reply by: flanneljammies
Date:4/9/2004 6:57:07 AM


Subject:RE: Need help finding older loops
Reply by: stretch0069
Date:4/11/2004 12:34:36 AM


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