
Jsnkc wrote on 4/2/2004, 1:48 PM
I'm sure his lawyers are frantically working on the contract for you to sign, making sure there are absolutely no loopholes, and stiff penalties for breaking the contract.

Make sure this applies for ALL Vegas forums, not just this one!
MisterPat wrote on 4/2/2004, 2:00 PM
Guess everyone has their price . . .
Spot|DSE wrote on 4/2/2004, 3:22 PM
Post your name, address, and zip code, so that I can have an agreement sent to you. I have an NFR dongle from Apple, and as soon as you post who and where you are, I'll have an agreement drawn up. I'll even scan the dongle and post a photo of it so you know I'm legit. But no kidding, you reneg on the deal, it won't be pleasant.
MUTTLEY wrote on 4/2/2004, 3:44 PM
Spot, are you taking donations for this ? I can barely scrape together the change for a cup of coffee these days but would be happy to send a check.

If I never said it before let me say it now ... you rock.

- Ray
mjroddy wrote on 4/2/2004, 3:50 PM
History in the making!
This is surreal...
Spot|DSE wrote on 4/2/2004, 4:02 PM
Yeah, well.....maybe. I'll be exceptionally surprised if Zippy posts his real name and location. I'll be slightly less surprised if he emails me his info.
Cheno (from here in the forums) is here shooting a training vid with us, he'll verify that I've got the goods.
SonyEPM wrote on 4/2/2004, 4:18 PM
Thanks for making the offer Spot, cool gesture on your part. Mr. 158 IQ hasn't kept any promises yet, he won't go away, I guarantee he'll weasel out of it somehow, don't give him jack.

5000:1 he'll get all worked up about this post now, probably stoop to impersonating me again or otherwise go off. He's like that, just watch- he cannot contain himself and will soon enough be posting some silly rant.

We are working on permanently removing him from this forum, takes a little time. Sorry all for the wait- ignore what's his name I forget if you possibly can.
Spot|DSE wrote on 4/2/2004, 4:35 PM
That's my feeling too. I was able to ignore Zippy's crap til he wrote that extremely offensive mail that impersonated you. That was so far over the top it was ridiculous. I made the offer, and I've got a good lawyer and a good relationship with a guy named Vito. Between one or the other, Zippy won't get away with breaking the deal.
SonyEPM wrote on 4/2/2004, 5:05 PM
I never got a chance to read that phony post but I did get a bunch of emails about it. There's always a few jerks out on the perimeter, that's life, no big deal.

I do regret the distraction this has caused to what has historically been a cool info-cafe...but listen up forum citizens: very soon, there will be LOTS to talk about.

Jsnkc wrote on 4/2/2004, 5:26 PM
Nice to know that things are in the works to get rid of him one way or another!
MyST wrote on 4/2/2004, 5:27 PM
A cool info-café... I like the sound of that. :)

It'll take alot more than a Zippy to tarnish that reputation.

busterkeaton wrote on 4/2/2004, 5:47 PM
If it happens, allow me the honor of paying for shipping.
sbs56 wrote on 4/2/2004, 6:00 PM
And I'll gladly chip in to cover "Vito's" expenses...
TheHappyFriar wrote on 4/2/2004, 6:08 PM
This forum is so good that I tell other people just to look at it to see what a good forum looks like. :)

Hey spot, I know a guy named vito too. He's an editor, but used a Pre-G3 mac & Media 100 equipment (that's what he told me anyway).

So what will we have to talk about? Should I expect to whip out my CC and wait for UPS soon? :) (ps: used gedex. They ship faster to me then UPS!)

ZippyGaloo wrote on 4/2/2004, 6:17 PM
swarrine wrote on 4/2/2004, 6:22 PM
It is a public button, zap ZippY - GALOO!!!!
swarrine wrote on 4/2/2004, 6:23 PM
Spot|DSE wrote on 4/2/2004, 6:28 PM
Zippy, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE really accept my offer. I travel a lot and would GENUINELY enjoy meeting you in person. Please? I promise, we'd have a rockin' good time. Why Zippy, I do believe you've just committed libel. Let's chat about it in person, shall we?
I stand by my offer, you self-absorbed coward. Soon as I can find a dig cam around here, I'll take a photo of me and the software that you can see.
juan2003 wrote on 4/2/2004, 6:32 PM
Yes !!!

Now with the MARK that SonyEPM or another persons uses to writes in this Forum FROM the Sony Pictures, NEVER will happen again the last troubles or problems about who was the clown that played and changed the REAL USER NAME of SonyEmp who REALLY works in Sony Pictures.

Good Luck!!!!

Thanks SonyEPM !!!!

Juan Pastor (JP)

Chienworks wrote on 4/2/2004, 8:24 PM
I had a real nasty posting on one of my forums for a while. He was tough to get rid of, kept coming in from various IP addresses, registering new handles with new email addresses, posting at odd hours throughout the day. It was always easy to recognize his posts though; he was about the most rude and abusive person i've ever encountered (yes, much worse even than JoeD in here). What i finally did was have a few moderators on duty 'round the clock for a few days and nuke his posts usually within a minute or two whenever he posted. After a couple of days he must have realized that he was no longer getting the enjoyment of having people read and respond to his rants. He finally dried up and blew away.

He did send me some very detailed legal threats about the unconstitutionality of deleting posts and even claimed it was illegal to moderate my own forum. He quoted a great deal of laws and FTC regulations (why FTC? why didn't he quote the FCC instead? go figger). We all had a good laugh over it since it was obvious he was rewriting what he was quoting to suit his own purposes and often even making the stuff up out of thin air. Best of all, his claims of first amendment protection were very amusing since he was a Canadian citizen and always posted from Canadian IP addresses. Definately a very weird and annoying person.
RexA wrote on 4/2/2004, 8:45 PM
>> there will be LOTS to talk about.

I assume that is a reference to the new product discussions that will swamp with real interest, this kind of semi-off-topic efforts.

but, however, now...

In the tradition of many newspapers, I would like to publicly post my
Apology To the Group on these back pages..

The other night I made a tastless response to the Zip storm, and I regret it. It was partially the result of too much wine and staying up too late. I see that my post is gone, and in this case I, unlike Zippy, do not mind having my message deleted.

I'm not sure how long my post lasted in the forum or if many saw it, but in any case I'm not proud of it. I much prefer when we can stay near to on-topic and I regret and apologise to any who saw my serious deviation from that ideal the other night.

I'll try not to post after consuming too much alcohol in the future.