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Subject:Can't see plugins or DX favorites in menu bar
Posted by: skymall
Date:3/30/2004 3:45:30 PM

yeah, so i bought this comptuer off of a friend, real nice it a dell, dude... but yeah, when i went to check out the SF he had v. 6.0 i noticed that not only was there no outside plugins but there wasn't even the word DX Favorites in the menu. I know there are quite a few DX plugs on the computer b/c they open up in Nuendo...

so my question is, what sould be causing this.. thanks -ed

Subject:RE: Can't see plugins or DX favorites in menu bar
Reply by: MJhig
Date:3/30/2004 4:17:09 PM

Get your "friend" to contact Sony and transfer the license to you per/ TOS, then contact Sony support.


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