OT (?): Small Special FX

NuOmegaAlpha wrote on 3/25/2004, 8:41 AM
Hey, I'm not too sure yet, but does Vegas 4 have any sort of digital FX things like adding muzzle-flashes to guns and any small thing like that? And if not, what are some good programs to do that with? I know that Vegas 4 has great filters and that Media FX stuff... not sure about small objects or sprites you can add to the video.


TheHappyFriar wrote on 3/25/2004, 9:30 AM
You can do some of that with Boris, After Effects, and Particle Illusion. Also, you could use photoshop, masks, vegas, time, and patience. :) Muzzle flashes will last less then a second. Check out "one upon a time in mexico." It was shot in digital and the entire chutch shootout was done with rubber guns and CG. The DVD extras explain how some of it was done. Really sweat. :)

If you happen to find a copy of Digit magazine # 64, it included a free copy of Particle Illusion. Really cool program.
filmy wrote on 3/25/2004, 9:52 AM
AlamDV works great for fast quick and easy things like adding gunshots. If you want to use Vgeas you could always get some of the Artbeats stuff and use that. Somewhere over on the Sundance site there is a tutorial on how to make fire all in Vegas.
busterkeaton wrote on 3/25/2004, 10:12 AM
If you happen to find a copy of Digit magazine # 64, it included a free copy of Particle Illusion. Really cool program.

You can probably still order this as a back issue from Digit. Search for their website.

For about $15, you get a $99 program. (It's the light version of Particle Illusion, still lots of features.)