Script for ?

Spot|DSE wrote on 3/24/2004, 7:16 AM
Anyone got/seen a script that will examine a track full of composite envelopes and assure that they are either at 100 or 0? I've got a 9 hour project with lots of envelopes, and I'm certain that somewhere, I've got an envelope not at 100 or at 0. I can watch the thing fast forward and look for recompression notices in the preview window, but I'd just as soon be lazy.


JJKizak wrote on 3/24/2004, 7:32 AM
Somebody had it posted here and I downloaded it but I can't remember who made it.

Spot|DSE wrote on 3/24/2004, 7:38 AM
I thought I'd seen one...Thanks for confirming I'm not nuts.
RichMacDonald wrote on 3/24/2004, 7:38 AM
Audit for event levels. Check your own site :->
Spot|DSE wrote on 3/24/2004, 7:56 AM
Duh...I feel dumb. I was looking for something in "Opacity Events" or something along those lines. Thanks, guys.
johnmeyer wrote on 3/24/2004, 11:23 AM

I developed two audit scripts. The one that is closest to what you want is this one:

Audit for event levels

It looks for the event opacity level or, for audio, the event volume level, and if it has been "nudged" accidentally to something just slightly less than 100%, it flags it by highlighting the event and asking you if you want to change the level back to 100%.

I also did another audio script:

Audit for short blank gaps

that looks for short gaps or short overlaps (just a few frames or less). You have to select a track and then perform this on each track (the other script works across all tracks at once). It puts markers in front of each gap or overlap it detects. You can then use the Edit Details View to do a quick scan of the markers and you will immediately see the markers at the beginning of the suspect events (I used marker names that begin wtih three astericks ***).

I used markers because figuring out what you really intended to do is impossible, so you will have to "fix" things yourself.

In both scripts you can change the threshold used to identify what you consider to be a suspect event.

It would be very easy to alter either script to instead look for short fades, if that is what you were looking for.

cyanide149 wrote on 3/24/2004, 12:15 PM
John- You da man!
miwi21 wrote on 3/24/2004, 12:31 PM
I've suggested for years that the the composite envelope be one color at 0 and 100% and change colors at any other value. SF never responded as to if it was a good idea, just too difficult or what. Still think it would be a great feature for envelopes.