
winrockpost wrote on 3/4/2004, 9:43 AM
No mention of it,, but I would think there are more new features than mentioned,,
FuTz wrote on 3/4/2004, 9:43 AM

If my rememberance is good: nope.
BUT, it was so much of an "uncomplete" feature-list that I would wait a while to really know if it's gonna be on the final list of improvements.
*Do not* make a big deal of this link that was turned off, Dave...
FuTz wrote on 3/4/2004, 9:44 AM this guy beats me by twenty seconds, lol!
DaveF wrote on 3/4/2004, 10:39 AM
Thanks for the info . . . .

I'm sitting here on a purchase order for an AVID to replace an older Speed Razor system. If VV5 had RS422 batch capture, I'd wait, but Bi-planar whatever the heck they're calling it doesn't get me all worked up . . . . . .

winrockpost wrote on 3/4/2004, 10:47 AM
You still gonna have the uncompressed vs compressed issue , unless you are talkin about AVID DV
BJ_M wrote on 3/4/2004, 1:12 PM
i'm waiting for RS422 also -- as well as sdi support (hopefully)...

support or not will effect my next system purchase == this month

rextilleon wrote on 3/4/2004, 1:21 PM
I get the sense that most people want Vegas to end up like FCP4 in that it should be able to support the wide array of formats with hardware and software add-ons. Beyond that they all seem to want real EDL's, an Avid like Media management system. In other words they want a Catholic system (not the church but a universal system) that will be appealing to producers at different levels. Thats a long way to go for an NLE that until now is essentially known as an awesome DV editor. I guess if it ever happens it's going to take quite a bit of time and quite a bit of support from outside developers.
BrianStanding wrote on 3/4/2004, 2:02 PM
Do other NLEs (i.e., Avid DV, FCP, Premiere Pro, etc.) natively support multiple deck-control protocols (like RS-422) and sdi capture? Or is that usually done through some kind of 3rd-party hardware?

I'm not trying to be facetious, here, I'm really curious. I've only really worked with Vegas and Premiere 6, and it seems to me in both cases, the NLE was happy to work with anything you could get on your hard drive, but aside from DV/firewire support, how you got it there was up to you.

Are other systems more integrated with their capture hardware?
busterkeaton wrote on 3/4/2004, 3:27 PM

If it's not the Church, then it's catholic, like a small-D democrat.

I remember my English teacher telling us what pontificate meant, but then saying it would never be on the SAT, because it comes from 'pontiff' and has vague anti-Catholic meanings.
Two weeks we later it was on our SATs, we all got that one correct.
FuTz wrote on 3/4/2004, 3:52 PM
...what's a SAT ?
Randy Brown wrote on 3/4/2004, 4:33 PM
Student Academic Test ...or something like that. The one you take in your later high school years to determine how smart you is.
filmy wrote on 3/4/2004, 4:35 PM
>>>...what's a SAT ?<<<

It is something that is a terror to those in school - used to be high school but now, in NY state anyway, they have been having kids as young as 3 and 4th grade take them. It means Scholastic Aptitude Test.

It is sort of the "Which of these two lines in bigger?" and "If a train leaves Chicago at 8 am and it's speed is 500 mph and a train leaves New York at 9 am doing 250 mph what time will they meet in Cleveland?" type of test.

BJ_M wrote on 3/4/2004, 4:42 PM
"Do other NLEs (i.e., Avid DV, FCP, Premiere Pro, etc.) natively support multiple deck-control protocols (like RS-422) and sdi capture"

the above all have 422 control (not sure about pro as i dont use it) , FCP has sdi support ...
[r]Evolution wrote on 3/4/2004, 6:50 PM
Any Dates?

Did they mention any Dates for release?

Do tell.... I'm dying to know!
p@mast3rs wrote on 3/4/2004, 7:17 PM
Honestly, the press release was very vague and didnt mention much except for the features that were listed in the release. No dates, no expected pricing.

Personally, I am a little upset by it. While I was glad to see that its getting closer, Im kinda upset by the dangling of the carrot and then having it ripped away.
Matt_Iserman wrote on 3/4/2004, 8:19 PM
I don't know what time the trains will meet but (at 250 and 500 miles per hour) I want to see them when they do.

taliesin wrote on 3/5/2004, 1:40 AM
No date? - The press release spoke about the NAB expo next month!


DaveF wrote on 3/5/2004, 5:47 AM
What I'd really like is to be able to replace my older, analog edit system - but I still have the need to be able to handle BetacamSP tape.

I've already made the investment in time to learn Vegas. If I switch to an AVID, I have to re-invest more time to learn the software.

If Sony wants Vegas to be a DV editor, that's their business. It just means it's not the right product to replace my Analog equipment.

Of course, if Sony said "These users are more than customers, they're our partners - let's tell them what we're going to do," that would be nice.
farss wrote on 3/5/2004, 5:48 AM
One has to ask why you'd want yet another such system. This technology is about to become last generation. Next generation technology will not need expensive hadrware to cope with uncompressed feeds via SDI.
MPEG 4 compression means that firewire offers enough bandwidth to ingest all the way upto 1080 HD. Also you don't need huge arrays of ultra fast disks and massive data pipes to work with the material.
Don't be fooled, just because something has a few 100 flashing lights, makes nice whirring sounds and costs a couple of million, it doesn't mean it cannot be replaced by some affordable software and advanced silicon. If you doubt that you're in serious need of a history lesson.
scotty_dvc80 wrote on 3/5/2004, 7:22 AM
they probably have VTR's with firewire .. or you can buy a bridge analog to digital.. i agree that it is old technology... Digital is the future.. until someone thinks of another format of information delivery.. Im sure its possible isnt it?? hmm what a thread that might make for engineers and theorists with their PHD's
lynn1102 wrote on 3/5/2004, 3:51 PM
Dave, I agree with you. I still use my analog system quite a bit and it aint going anywhere till I'm at or near 100% with any new system. I can edit analog, digital, or hybrid (both at the same time) and it does Beta and rs422.. I like Vegas but it's definitely not the speed demon I have on my other machine. Not really a speed demon, but I can digitize a two hour wedding in two hours. A nice accelerator card for Vegas would help - I'll be one of the first in line.
