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Subject:How to change default record directory ?
Posted by: Zacchino
Date:3/3/2004 1:02:48 AM

Ok, we know how to change default VSTi Directory...

But i'd like to know now how to change the default record directory (C:\My Documents) to C:\Documents and Settings\Fadengo\Desktop...

So i can access the *.mid and the *.wav files more easier, especially when i don't have the time to select the project's folder. You know when inspiration comes you don't want to lose 30 secs creating a new folder, and pointing at it.

Anyone ?

Subject:RE: How to change default record directory ?
Reply by: nikkeinomura
Date:3/3/2004 3:51:55 AM

I've the same request!!!

I want to assign the default directory to a different HD or partition of my system, cause i've configured my laptop in order to mantain separated audio and apps.


Subject:RE: How to change default record directory ?
Reply by: ATP
Date:3/3/2004 5:48:33 AM

i've asked this question before, and the answer is that it is not possible to change the default. however, once you change the path in the Record window it will maintain this path for that specific project. for some reason that's more practical apparently, even tho i still fail to see how exactly.

Subject:RE: How to change default record directory ?
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:3/3/2004 9:18:18 AM

ATP > "once you change the path in the Record window it will maintain this path for that specific project"

Well, hopefully it remembers the path nor we would all go crazy

Ow I see... I may guess where the issue is. Sony coded Acid to detect user's My Document path and to asign it as default (this is really dumb but in their place i would have done the same thing).

So to change this default folder, you have to change the path of "My Document" but I don't recommand anyone doing so.

Any other ideas, SonyTeam ? Anyone ?

Subject:RE: How to change default record directory ?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:3/3/2004 1:43:24 PM

ACID will remember and keep the recording folder you specified once you save the project, close it and come back to it later on.

I personally like this, as this allows one to work with original material on a project-by-project basis.

Similarly, I like to also work with projects on a folder-by-folder basis, because if you keep everything related to a project centralized in one location (especially original material), you won't have to go through the hassle of finding out what goes where later on as it's all neatly organized in one place.

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

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