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Subject:Outboard with SF-7.0??
Posted by: golli
Date:1/22/2004 9:38:25 PM

If I have the soundcard, is it possible to route a signal digitally to a processor and back??
There are of course better processing options than Direct-X.

Subject:RE: Outboard with SF-7.0??
Reply by: Big_Faced_Boy
Date:1/23/2004 1:37:24 AM

As long as your soundcard has full duplex capability, (ie can play and record simultaneously), then you'll be able to do it. I don't remember seeing any half duplex cards for a few years now, so I'd be amazed if you can't do it. Just make sure your return signal goes to a line level input (not mic as it's different impedance), and select the appropriate input device from the Windows mixer panel.

You're right... quality outboard is generally superior to DX, we use outboard compression rather than software when mastering, and nothing software will touch a Lexicon Reverb, but DX tends to be a whole lot cheaper and more convenient, and a lot of it's pretty good now.


Subject:RE: Outboard with SF-7.0??
Reply by: Sonic
Date:1/23/2004 9:04:02 AM

Well, there's a little more to it than that. Aside from whether or not the card handles full duplex, Sound Forge itself cannot (yet) simultaneously playback and record. So you'd have to play the file from something else and re-record with Sound Forge (or vice versa). If you want to do it with a single app, I'd recommend giving the Vegas demo a whirl.

Since you mentioned 'digitally', I assume you have compatible digital i/o on your card and whatever outboard gear you want to use.

It's possible that future versions of Sound Forge might support firmware DSP devices like the TC PowerCore and whatnot. Though it is controlled by Steinberg, it's as close to an open PC-to-outboard standard as exists right now (disregarding more restricted proprietary standards like TDM).


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