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Subject:Acid Pro 4 tutorial CD...$18
Posted by: MyST
Date:1/13/2004 4:20:41 PM

Just thought I'd post this. I got an e-mail from telling me about the deal.
I have no idea if it's any good or how indepth it goes, but I figured I'd post it in case anyone wants to check it out.


UPDATE: It's actually called a downloadable CD. So you download it and you can burn it to CD or keep it on your PC. Actually, that's kinda cool! You get to learn shortly after you download. No waiting for it to be delivered and no shipping charges.

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 4 tutorial CD...$18
Reply by: AzNbReAkBoI
Date:1/13/2004 5:18:25 PM

ehhh $18 is expensive.. i would rather buy a book

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 4 tutorial CD...$18
Reply by: DKeenum
Date:1/14/2004 8:40:17 AM

I haven't seen any books on Acid 4.

I bought the CD about a year or so ago. It was helpful.

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