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Subject:Can't find useful loop preview function
Posted by: SonicCaveDan
Date:1/12/2004 12:51:01 PM

In SF 6.0, I could make a selection, enable loop preview in the transport dockable button bar, then ctrl-play and it would start about 2 seconds from the end of my loop and preview the loop transition for me. This was very useful for previewing long loops because I wouldn't have to wait for the whole thing to play before hearing the transition. This no longer is the case with SF7.0. Can you tell me how I can do this now? Thanks ...


Subject:RE: Can't find useful loop preview function
Reply by: ATP
Date:1/12/2004 1:45:03 PM

i usually do the following:

1 make a rough selection
2 zoom in on start point, change it to the correct spot
3 start playing the file (make sure Loop Playback is enabled (Q button))
3 zoom in on end point, set it to roughly the correct spot

you'll notice that as you're changing the end point while playing the file, the cursor will jump to about 2 seconds before the end point. now you can zoom in on the end point again and make your final adjustments as you listen to the transition.

hope this helps.

Subject:RE: Can't find useful loop preview function
Reply by: SonicCaveDan
Date:1/13/2004 1:34:22 PM

Thanks - that does help, though it's not nearly as efficient as what they had. I can' t help being disappointed that (unless it's still there and I just can't find it) this is another example of SF actually REMOVING useful features as they "improve" the product. First, they removed the extremely reliable batch converter from SF 4.5 (replacing it with the skittish and standalone BC which doesn't include it's own preview function), then removed the "play looped" button in each sound file's window in favor of putting the "play looped" toggle in the transport bar (which also facilitated the preview mode I'm talking about). Now this? I hope I'm wrong ...


Subject:RE: Can't find useful loop preview function
Reply by: planders
Date:1/15/2004 4:07:34 PM

As far as I can tell, SF 7 behaves exactly as you describe--as long as you hit play before making the selection. Then, as it plays, any time you change the selection (start, end, or create an entirely new one) the preview immediately jumps to 2 seconds before the end of the selection to preview the loop transition. Since you're most likely going to have to adjust both ends of the selection anyway, this method both retains a useful feature (previewing loops) and simplifies the interface (by eliminating a keyboard shortcut and redundant toolbar button.)

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