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Subject:SF7.0a crashes
Posted by: SonicCaveDan
Date:1/6/2004 12:28:34 PM

I run SF7.0a on Windows XP Pro and get frequent random crashes - often when simply previewing audio in the file-open dialogue box. I just updated to the latest build hoping it would go away but it happened again. In general, 7.0 is MUCH more unstable than 6.0. Is anyone there working on this trying to improve it?


Subject:RE: SF7.0a crashes
Reply by: Sonic
Date:1/7/2004 8:22:36 AM

It would be helpful if you could provide specific information on your system and steps to reproduce any one crashing scenario, plus a crash dump if there is one.

I suggest you forward your report to tech support, as well.

If this is very common on your system, you might try unchecking auto-preview or using the integrated explorer for previewing and opening files.

Anyone else having similar issues?


Subject:RE: SF7.0a crashes
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/7/2004 11:15:55 AM

The only time I have a major crash is when I have a sample rate mismatch while recording between my M-Audio USB Duo and my M-Audio Audiophile 2496. (The Audiophile is slaving via S/PDIF clock to the USB Duo.) But that's my fault.

(Using XP Home SP 1 here.)

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
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Subject:RE: SF7.0a crashes
Reply by: SonicCaveDan
Date:1/7/2004 1:27:27 PM

I captured the exception dump and forwarded it to tech support with all my system info. Others in my department have had the same problem. We work in the sound department of Midway Games ...


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