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Subject:From vegas I send a copy of an audio file to soundforge 7a and get slow playback.
Posted by: David17
Date:12/30/2003 5:10:43 PM

Sounds like it is playing at wrong sample rate.
Any clues? Then If I resample the file, the curser is slow and weird. Very floating like. HELP???

Subject:RE: From vegas I send a copy of an audio file to soundforge 7a and get slow playback.
Reply by: SonyNateM
Date:1/5/2004 11:35:33 AM

This sounds to me like your project settings in Vegas are set to a different sample rate than the file you are sending to Sound Forge is actually sampled at, and your sound card is locked to an external sample clock souce. For example, your Vegas project is set to 48kHz and playing through a digital out to an external piece of gear. Your sound card's clock is locked to this sample rate and isn't using it's internal clock. The file you are opening in Sound Forge is actually 96kHz, and therefore plays back slow when played at 48kHz through the sound card.

A similar situation can happen with some audio cards if you are using ASIO drivers in Vegas. The drivers will only function at specific sample rates.

Does any of this sound possible in your setup? If this isn't exactly the problem, perhaps it will help lead to the actual issue.

Hope this helps,


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