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Subject:cannot view track
Posted by: xxjojoxx
Date:1/3/2004 1:16:44 PM

hello everyone.. im fairly new to acid.. i added tracks to my project... but now how do i view them in the wave form in the timeline?

Subject:RE: cannot view track
Reply by: mortalengines
Date:1/4/2004 1:59:48 AM

You need to use the draw tool to "draw" them into the time line - the draw tool looks like a pencil & it is up in the task bar- just click on it with your mouse & then run your cursor over the time line- it now looks like a pencil & You can just click wherever you want an event drawn on your timeline.

Subject:RE: cannot view track
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/4/2004 7:21:54 PM

Like mortal said, an instance where a track plays on the timeline is called an "event".

This event can be a part of the track or the whole contents of the track drawn/painted at any point you desire on the timeline.

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

Subject:RE: cannot view track
Reply by: robertgable
Date:8/21/2004 1:16:21 AM

Even though I didn't ask the question about track view, your answer eliminated hours of frustration. The user's manual is very deficient in describing this function.


Subject:RE: cannot view track
Reply by: robertgable
Date:8/21/2004 1:25:23 AM

I'm glad that you asked this question. I had the same problem. Mortalengines' answer did the trick. The other reply was probably correct but didn't answer HOW to get the event to appear.
The user's manual and knowledge base was of no help in answering this basic question, particularly because the wave form does not automatically pop-in as it does in Sound Forge.

Bob g.

Subject:RE: cannot view track
Reply by: Chienworks
Date:8/21/2004 2:24:04 AM

I think this problem comes up because people expect ACID to be an audio editing program. Please realize that it is NOT intended for editing audio! It was never designed for this task. That's why there are other programs like Sound Forge and Vegas. However, for whatever reason, people keep buying ACID to use for tasks like making DJ mixes. I can't imagine why as this is just not what ACID is for.

The idea of ACID is to use small snippets of sound and "paint" them on the timeline to create music, much as a painter uses small dabs of paint to create a picture. The whole waveform is not drawn on the timeline because it is never assumed that you want to use the whole sound file as is. You are given the opportunity to paste pieces of it where you need them. Of course, if your need is to have the entire file on the timeline then you must paint it there.

If you regularly work with entire files as a whole and don't need to repeatedly use small pieces of it then you should probably be using some software other than ACID.

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