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Subject:playback midi files to different midi channels
Posted by: androgyne
Date:12/31/2003 12:19:00 AM

Hi again!
Have a Roland XV-3080 synth that can play 16 parts at once if I set the incoming midi signals from the sequencer to a different outgoing midi channel. I have looked everywhere in my Acid documentation to see if I can accomplissh this in Acid. Can I set my midi files to play back in Acid on 16 different channels so that my synth will play the different parts simultaneously? Want to record 16 midis in Acid and have them paly back to different instruments before I record the midis to audio.
The way it works now in Acid the midi files I recorded playback but I can only trigger one part at a time. I was always able to do this in Sonar and hope to be able to do it in Acid, too.

Subject:RE: playback midi files to different midi channels
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/31/2003 11:09:06 AM

You have to have 16 different MIDI outputs available on your audio interface. You'd select the specific hardware MIDI output via the device selector button for the particular MIDI track.

Make sure you first go to Options>Preferences on the menu bar and under the MIDI tab, select the desired outputs available for MIDI track playback. (Again, you're limited to how many MIDI outs you actually have available.)

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

Subject:RE: playback midi files to different midi channels
Reply by: pwppch
Date:12/31/2003 1:41:06 PM

No, no, no mD....

ACID will work with all 16 MIDI channels of a single MIDI cable.

An ACID MIDI track can have as many "sub tracks" as you want. Each of these sub tracks can have a MIDI channel assigned to it. Each ACID MIDI track can be assigned to a single MIDI port.

So, you could either
- Record 16 different ACID MIDI tracks,rout them all to the MIDI port and then set each track's MIDI channel accordingly.
- Record one really LARGE ACID MIDI track, with n sub tracks each on its own MIDI Channel. You then can assign each sub track to any MIDI channel you'd like.


Subject:RE: playback midi files to different midi channels
Reply by: androgyne
Date:12/31/2003 3:56:17 PM

Peter - I am a newbie in Acid ;)
Could I get a little bit more detailed "how to" on option ? - Record 16 different ACID MIDI tracks,rout them all to the MIDI port and then set each track's MIDI channel accordingly.
I would like to record 16 MIDI track have each one paly on its own channel to in turn trigger the parts in the ROland. Where am I setting each track's MIDI channel - that's what Im missing.
Thanks again!

Subject:RE: playback midi files to different midi channels
Reply by: pwppch
Date:12/31/2003 6:07:44 PM

You can't set the ACID MIDI track to a specific channel, only to a MIDI port.

Open the ACID MIDI track's properties page (double click on the MIDI icon on the ACID MIDI track.) The first page you see is the "general page" for that ACID MIDI track. You will see one "sub track" for each channel contained. You can change the MIDI channel there.)

Think of an ACID MIDI track as a mini-sequencer. Each ACID MIDI track can have any number of sub tracks, each assigned to a different MIDI channel of the MIDI port (or softsynth) assigned to the ACID MIDI Track.


Subject:RE: playback midi files to different midi channels
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:1/1/2004 9:31:55 AM

A big, "DUH!," goes to yours truly. I had to re-read my last post for comic relief. (LOL)

Thanks for that clarification, Peter. I was in a rush with my last post. (See what I get for doing so?) :o)

With (Oodles of) Humility,
RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

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