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Subject:MP3Pro ?
Posted by: RiRo
Date:12/2/2003 10:25:27 AM

A radio station that I do voice work for has added this format and they are jazzed about it. Supposed to be about the same quality as MP3 but much smaller size. The idea is for us to step up our MP3 quality without increasing the file size as much.

Anyway, is there any support planned in the Sony products for this or is there a good program out there to take a wav or whatever and turn it into MP3Pro?



Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/2/2003 11:12:05 AM

There's a free encoder over at Coding Technologies, but you're limited to 64 kbps. I also don't know if their encoder adheres to Fraunhofer's specifications. (I imagine it does; the official MP3Pro logo is on their page.)

MP3Pro has been out for a little bit now but seems to be slow in catching on, which could be why others have been also slow in implementing it in their software. (Doesn't the license to use the techology cost more too? I don't know offhand.)

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/2/2003 11:54:56 AM

MP3 Pro is possible within Nero v6.0. I haven't used it, to give you any feedback but it's in there. I've been wondering if I encode something in .MP3pro format does, the application that I play it back on also need to support .MP3pro? It looks like it saves the files with the same ".MP3" file extension, so how do you tell the difference between the 2 types?

Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/2/2003 1:04:38 PM

According to Thomson's Web site, MP3Pro files should play normally as MP3's but without the improvements of MP3Pro which, from what I could gather, includes low and high frequency info not included in the regular MP3 spec.

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: kbruff
Date:12/2/2003 3:06:28 PM

Hello -

Music Match 7.5 and up -- is great for batch processing files into MP3 Pro, it also has batch processing for ID3 tags as well. I am using this program currently and it is satisfactory. It does have nice integrated browser such as the one Siren, but it is flexible program for various MP3 creation purposes.

Your - welcome,

Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: RiRo
Date:12/12/2003 6:21:52 AM

I had no clue... I was a music match lifetime update purchaser from years ago. I used it and had the station purchase it as well. We are now using 40k mp3pro mono files for voice only and it sounds as good on the air as the 128k files. Needless to say, lots quicker to download. Thanks.


Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: RiRo
Date:12/12/2003 6:24:09 AM

Howdy red,

The files will play back on just about any mp3 player, but the quality is not there without the playback app being mp3pro compatible. So a hearty Yes-NO for the answer. As far as telling the two types... if it sounds awful, it is prolly an mp3pro in an app that does not support it. Not exactly a great way to keep things straight!


Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/12/2003 7:23:26 AM

Thanks for the info Riro. This answers my question. Looks like I'll be sticking with the standard .MP3's. That sounds like the only for sure way your listener is going to hear the same thing as you. What did the radio station say about the .mp3pro format after you told them about this? Seeing there just isn't that many apps supporting .mp3pro yet, I think that might be a big concern.

Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: RiRo
Date:12/12/2003 9:35:27 AM

The radio station's setup is kinda strange. You email an mp3, and they use musicmatch jukebox to play it analog and record it real time into their computer. There has to be a better way, but if it is, they don't know what it is. I have not found any other way into their system. So I figure as long as they are using musicmatch, which works for both mp3 formats, it is a wash. I have yet to try to open an mp3pro file in SF. That could be interesting.


Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: CERTEGY
Date:12/23/2003 1:13:40 PM

Just to let you know, Mp3Pro is being using by the RCA Lyra brand MP3 players. They will support both mp3 formats. The program does use MusicMatch v7.2+ and higher. You will have to be carefule because I ran into this problem with the older RCA Lyra mp3 player. I had over 40 songs burned on Mp3Pro using Nero 5.5. They sounded great. I tried converting these files to my Lyra player (an older model 2201d) and I kept getting errors saying the player only supports Mp3's. Well duh, I had Mp3's. Well then I remember those songs were created on the Mp3Pro format in Nero. I used the internal conversion program from MusicMatch to convert the Mp3Pro files to Mp3. It work fine after that!

Subject:RE: MP3Pro ?
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/23/2003 1:49:13 PM

Sure wish there was a way to be able to tell the difference by looking at the file if it is MP3pro or just MP3 encoded. It seems ludachrist that a new file extension wasn't created to be able to identify the differences if there's problems like this that everyone mentioned.

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