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Posted by: kbruff
Date:12/17/2003 9:24:23 AM

I have been trying to find a "good" source for understanding what audio mastering is really about. Is there any good texts that can be used as a guidline or as a reference to understanding the theoretical and practical aspects of what audio mastering and audio engineering is comprised of?

Thanks for your time.

Subject:RE: Mastering?
Reply by: Spheris
Date:12/17/2003 10:56:32 AM

Bob Katz maintains an excellent resource site as well as markets a series of books at

Also I'd recommend reading this before you decide to join the madness that is the loudness race. Rip also did an excellent and more thorough editorial series on the problem at as well

Subject:RE: Mastering?
Reply by: smoddelm
Date:12/17/2003 2:31:23 PM

download the "Mastering with Ozone" guide.

Though oriented toward using Izotope's Ozone for mastering, it is very useful even if you don't have Ozone. I see it recommended on Sonar's newsgroup all the time.

Subject:RE: Mastering?
Reply by: kbruff
Date:12/18/2003 9:06:16 AM

Thanks -- both citations are helpful to me. I especially took interest in the loudness race. I have been curious as to how a professionally mastered cd could have regions where there is digital clipping at least according to the SF7 clip detector.

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