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Subject:Cubase not SF7 compatible.
Posted by: Spook
Date:12/12/2003 1:42:10 AM

I realize that SF7 doesn't support the type of file cubase exerts,BUT I'm really really startin' to love SF7's layout and capabilities and wanted to know if there was anything I could do so SF excepts the file.

your neighborhood bothersome noob.

Spooks-"Wun TwO b3 OuT"

Subject:RE: Cubase not SF7 compatible.
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/12/2003 7:32:14 AM

You can save in .Wav format in cubase and you can open .wav in Sound Forge. THAT WOULD BE YOUR WAY TO TRANSPORT them back and fourth. Are you using Cubase for midi? If you aren't using any of cubases midi featurs you might want to check out Vegas for multi-tracking and mixing. I haven't used Cubase in awhile now, but I'm hoping they have a open in stereo editor feature by now. You should be able to assign your stereo editor to Sound Forge and open files in cubase directly in Sound Forge. You won't be able to directly open a cubase project file in Sound Forge.

Subject:RE: Cubase not SF7 compatible.
Reply by: Spook
Date:12/12/2003 1:30:18 PM

.cpr is the only option i get. even under save, save as,save as template,save to new folder.

but i guess this isn't the place for askin' about cubase :( LOL.

Subject:RE: Cubase not SF7 compatible.
Reply by: Spook
Date:12/12/2003 6:26:28 PM

LOL. Damn Red, sorry for waistin' your veiwin' time! I forgot all about exporting. Man, what a dope I am.

Subject:RE: Cubase not SF7 compatible.
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/13/2003 7:42:50 AM

Yep, when in doubt always open the help file and do a quick search. I bet you might be able to find some good info if you do a search on "stereo editor", "external editor", "wave editor", or just "editor"

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