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Subject:SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Posted by: Spook
Date:12/2/2003 9:17:23 PM

Ok I've got an idea of how this works, but have not tinkered with it just yet.

I wanted to see exactly whats going on before I spend time messing with it to avoid waisting time.

So before I lay my head to sleep I have to ask:

When recording in Midi Time Code mode could I use Acid Pro 4 to playback an instrumental and set a time to begin recording in SF7 w/o all the hassle of clicking so much? I know there is a way to enable the sync'ing of SF7 and AcidPro4 so midi time mode is enabled, but Im completely new at using both so if you could help me with this too I'd appreciate it.

Thank You. Maybe a stupid thing to ask but I'm incredibly sleepy and don't want to stay up longer.

Spook-"WuN TwO b3 OuT"

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/3/2003 4:12:37 PM

You can do this with the use of the virtual Midi router. How it works is that you will generate Midi Time code from Acid. You will need to select the midi port within Acid to send the midi time code out from. This timecode will be sent to a virtual midi input port, the router will send this to a virtual midi output port. You then need to go to sound Forge and assign the midi input port to receive the timecode and set sound forge up to record with a midi timecode startup.

That's theorectically how it works, and the steps you'll have to go through. I've never used the virtual midi router so I might be off on some of the terminology used by the virtual midi router. I have a hardware midi interface and have done it before with the real deal.

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Spook
Date:12/3/2003 6:45:43 PM

Ok..An exact run thru of what I did.

Went to AcidPro 4 .. Options>Preferences>Midi Tab and clicked SB Audigy Midi Port for both "generate Midi Clock" And "Midi Input"

Then in SF7 I did .. Options>Pref's> Then set the input AND output for Midi Port.

I set a time for the Midi start and Midi End while in Auto:Midi Timecode.

I armed SF7 and played back the audio in Acid then switched to see if SF started recording. No Luck. So I was wondering what I did wrong?

Thank You.

Spooks-"WuN TwO b3 OuT"

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/4/2003 5:48:02 AM

You need to connect a midi cord from the midi out to the midi in of the SB card. You also might want to not select the SB for the midi IN within ACID and also to not select the SB for Midi OUT in Sound Forge. Doing this means that 2 apps are now sharing 1 midi port. For what you are trying to do ACID will only need the MIDI OUT and SF will only need the Midi IN. In other words ACID will Generate the time code through the OUT port, and then Sound Forge will receive it through the MIDI IN port. And right now it sounds like you're missing the midi chord inbetween them to fill in that connection.

One other thing you'll need to do. In ACID there is a button you can expose in the toolbar setups for "Generate Midi Time code" or you can also turn this ON through a menu item. This also needs to be ON for ACID to start generating the Timecode through the port you defined for timecode within Acid.

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Spook
Date:12/4/2003 4:03:43 PM

Ahhh..I see..Red you've been a HUMUNGOUS help!

Now it seems all i have to do is get a midi cord and connect it to my SB soundcard. Then I'll be set with the info I need to begin this Midi Time Recording.

Thanks Again..

Spooks-"WuN TwO b3 OuT"

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/5/2003 8:31:37 AM

Now that you've got that all figured out, I'm actually wondering why you're doing it this way if Acid and Sound Forge are on the same PC. I usually do it like this if I have ACID on one PC and need to transfer audio over to another PC into Sound Forge and keep them in sync. Wouldn't it be easier and faster, just rendering the mix in Acid and then opening it in Sound Forge? or if you have a track you could just right click and do a "open in sound forge". Sounds like you're jumping through hoops, and there's a ton of easier ways to get this done.

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Spook
Date:12/5/2003 2:11:57 PM

Yeah..It might be more of a hassle but I really dislike acid for some reason. I can't seem to WANT to use it. Kind of a waste of good money since I now only use it for playback :(. Besides through all this help you've given, I've found that threshhold recording is alittle bit eazier. The sync'ing I can do almost w/no hassle at all.

But hey people like you make things flow wayyyyy easier, and I am mad appreciative.

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Spook
Date:12/10/2003 3:10:30 PM

F***. I thought I had this figured out. Sorry. I know its alot of stuff to do juss' to record in SF w/playback from acid, BUT is there a way I can set it up to playback in acid and record in SF while still on 1 computer?

I juss' really want to know this. I can do w/o it, but I'd like to know juss' for my SF knowledge. :)

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: MJhig
Date:12/10/2003 4:08:22 PM

Red gave you the correct directions for how to do it, internally with a virtual MIDI router and externally with the MIDI cable. The best of the two would be the virtual MIDI router method BTW.

I do this all the time (not with Sound Forge and Acid together) using MIDI-OX. I assume VMR is similar.

Why didn't you spell out how you exactly went about it and how it failed.


Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Spook
Date:12/10/2003 4:52:55 PM

Ok. I set up everything the way he said I should do it.

Then when the playback started up [in acid] I'd switch juss' to see if SF had started recording (which it didn't).

Here are my steps again.

Options>Timcode>Generate Midi Timecode
Options>Prefrences>Midi Tab>Then set up SB Midi Port[midi thru from:]
w/nothing checked in the lower box[midi thru to:]

Options>Pref.'s>Midi/Sync Tab>Set Up No Output and SB Midi Port for Input.

I set a time for the Midi start and Midi End while in Auto:Midi Timecode.

Tested It w/no results.

Hope that helped.

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: MJhig
Date:12/10/2003 5:16:44 PM

Well, for starters you have to select an output port in Acid's > Options > Preferences > Sync tab > Generate MIDI Timecode Settings > Output Device, select the SB external.


Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: MJhig
Date:12/10/2003 5:55:52 PM

Ok, since I never used Acid to sync to anything before I just set it up and slaved Sound Forge to it and it worked fine with one adjustment, I had to set the start time in SF to 2 seconds instead of 0, this is common in these scenarios.


Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Spook
Date:12/11/2003 2:32:16 AM

omfg. I'm about to juss' give up on this crap. I do juss' like you guys explain it, and still no results. I must have a stupid ma'f***in' glitch or something.

Its mad annoying.

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/12/2003 12:39:30 PM

Spook, did you install the Virtual MIDI Router? You might want to try that instead.

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

Subject:RE: SF7 Midi Timecode Recording.
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:12/12/2003 4:35:41 PM

In Sound Forge Go to the options menu and select Midi Triggers. Click on the Help button, from there you should see some help on the midi setup, look under the Triggering from midi timecode. Read through that and make sure you're not overlooking something on the setup within sound Forge.

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