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Subject:Non-destructive. . .
Posted by: AFSDMS
Date:11/25/2003 8:18:53 AM

I noticed in the New Feature PDF for SF7 that you can create SF projects. Lots of advantages and you can render out to different formats. This seems to be like the non-destructive operation of Vegas. But there isn't much detail in either the PDF or the full manual. Yes I did print the full manual, even read through it last night.

Then I read in a forum here that this type of operation was in SF6. I guess it was transparent? I used SF6 a fair amount and never thought about destructive vs. non-destructive.

Anyway from some of you who use SF a bunch, is using it in non-destructive mode transparent? In other words if I open a .WAV file like I would have in 4.5 would I still by default save it back to a .WAV or would I be prompted to Render it to a .WAV or other format. (Being the cautious type, I always start with a master file like "Live Gig-A-00.wav" and change to "Live Gig-A-01.wav" and so on to provide backup and the ability of revert to before I made some boneheaded change.) Do I have multiple options?

Can SF still be used to apply processing (like Noise Reduction 2.0) to an open file, or is it more like Vegas in that I assign a filter and get to preview it and once it is doing what I want I render the project to a new file. I prefer the non-destructive mode (as long as my workstation has enough gusto to let me preview in real time :-) but just want to make sure I am thinking in the right mode when working with SF7.

I'm also VERY excited about getting (I think they are there) the envelopes to control gain and effects. I was surpised that the timed record made it in. I requested that almost two years ago, but figured I was the only nutcase to do that. How many others wanted it? The other thing I hoped for but never thought to request was the threshold record, like auto-record on steroids. I was pleased that they put in the pre-record buffer so things don't get clipped off the front. I would have died for this in the summer when I was setting up to capture local thunder crashes! Cool stuff that shows we're being listened to.

Nice work on the part of the 'Mad Town' gang :-)

Subject:RE: Non-destructive. . .
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/25/2003 11:26:44 AM

Sound Forge 7.0 has what's called the FRG file format, which is project file format not unlike Vegas' VEG project format or ACID's ACD format.

So it's basically, "yes," to most of your questions; you are allowed to change the file as many times as you want and leave the original file untouched as long as you use the FRG format. Using this format, you can also undo what's been done even if you close the file and come back to it later on.

When you save as the FRG type, you're not exactly allowed to save as another media file type, but you are allowed to render to a file type like WAV. (Rendering is actually only available when an FRG project is open.)

I didn't request any fo those recording features, but it's nice to know it's there if I need it.

I hope that your equipment is grounded/protected properly when recording things such as thunder? ;o)

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

Subject:RE: Non-destructive. . .
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/25/2003 2:16:25 PM

"I hope that your equipment is grounded/protected properly when recording things such as thunder?"

Sorry, but I have to put my geek cap on here. It's actually better to not have your equipment grounded in this instance. That's the whole purpose of why lightning strikes the ground. It's trying to find the shortest path to ground. So if you're equipment is Grounded and it just happens to be the shortest path getting to Ground in the vacinity....well guess where that lightning is going? In essence you've just created a lightning rod. :-)

Sorry, I just can't get away from being an Electrical Engineer sometimes.

Subject:RE: Non-destructive. . .
Reply by: Rob_D
Date:11/26/2003 2:51:40 AM

Sorry, but as another former electrical engineer I have to point out that the "lightning rod" by sending a stream of charged particles up to the cloud actually reduces the chance of lightning strike.

My, I am getting too pedantic. Sorry.

And sorry to contribute to the hijacking of this thread.


Subject:RE: Non-destructive. . .
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/26/2003 5:34:16 PM

Well, in any case, I wouldn't be caught dead without a UPS (not just a surge protector/supressor). ;o)

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

Subject:RE: Non-destructive. . .
Reply by: AFSDMS
Date:11/26/2003 7:59:25 PM

I've been noodling around in SF7 and it seems that the Volume envelope is only visible when the plug-in chainer window is open. Everytime I press V that other window pops up.

Wandered around in help and the manual and can't see what I'm missing. I want the Volume envelope (and Pan) available over the waveform as I work without having to take up valuable screen space with the plug-in chainer window.

Is it really this unlike the Vegas implementation?

Subject:RE: Non-destructive. . .
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/28/2003 12:06:11 PM

You could try docking the plug-in chainer window if you haven't done that already.

RodelWorks - Original Music for the Unafraid
mD's ACIDplanet Page

Subject:RE: Non-destructive. . .
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:11/28/2003 1:54:47 PM

"Is it really this unlike the Vegas implementation?"
Yes this is different than the Vegas Implementation, in that the volume envelope is part of the the FX chainer. Which, in my opinion is a better option, giving more flexibility. I agree though, that having the plugin chainer window open is a bit annoying. Either dock the window then drag it, so it isn't in the way, or just drag it off the screen.

Subject:RE: Non-destructive. . .
Reply by: Sonic
Date:12/1/2003 7:26:59 AM

You can also use F11, Shift+F11, and Ctrl+F11 to minimize/restore docking areas.


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