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Subject:SF7: beeping after EQ applied
Posted by: aschwabe
Date:11/10/2003 5:26:29 PM

I've been remastering a few files recorded (just voice, and some music). When apply an EQ to the file, I get this very odd intermittment beeping. I've actually experienced this on TWO separate installations on two machines.

Two questions:

1) Is anyone else experiencing this REALLY critical and annoying problem?
2) What is this REALLY annoying and critical problem?

Thanks for any help...

ps: I can send a sample file to anyone who wants it...

Subject:RE: SF7: beeping after EQ applied
Reply by: Sonic
Date:11/10/2003 5:58:59 PM

Sounds like you somehow have demo versions of plug-ins installed. Tech support will be able to set you straight.


Subject:RE: SF7: beeping after EQ applied
Reply by: rip_street
Date:11/12/2003 1:29:54 PM

Its happening to me as well. Also when compressing. Previewing the effect or doing it. I believe its called "digital artifacts", but I don't know how to make it stop. It pretty much makes the program useless.

Subject:RE: SF7: beeping after EQ applied
Reply by: rip_street
Date:11/12/2003 2:46:39 PM

Found the fix.
In the Support/Knowlerdge Base/Sound Forge 7.0/key word "beeps", I found this.

My problem was that I had recently installed ACID Music 3.0 and Sound Forge 7.0 got confused and started using the shared plug-ins from ACID. What happens is the plug-ins come up as demos and the beeps are the way they keep the demos from being used for real. Open your file, then your EQ, and notice that it says right on it, "DEMO".
I got rid of the problem by doing what this Knowledge Base page said to do, uninstall Sound Forge 7.0, clean up some registry and file stuff and re-install. Good luck.

Subject:RE: SF7: beeping after EQ applied
Reply by: Sonic
Date:11/13/2003 9:51:20 AM

Pre-Sony plug-ins don't recognize Sony apps as valid (non-demo) hosts and since they were installed to a different directory, they didn't find the newer version and went ahead and registered themselves when you installed ACID 3.0. But as long as ACID was still installed, they should have worked fine in Sound Forge. That sounds like a bug.

FWIW, a simpler fix is to just re-register the plug-in .dlls (sfppack1.dll, etc.) in the Sony Shared Plug-Ins folder (drag-and-drop them onto Sound Forge, then restart). The new ones will still work in ACID.


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