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Subject:glitches w/ acid + motu 828mkII / a solution?
Posted by: casinovsjapan
Date:11/4/2003 9:45:38 PM

i have a brand new pentium 4 (3.06ghz / 1gig ram) pc w/ firewire, and have been having problems
using my motu 828mkII device. during playback, the audio 'glitches' and drops out
after digging thru hundreds of threads in this forum, i have come to understand that
this is a common problem for other acid users using other soundcards. i also realize that
there are complex and mutiple variables that may be contributing to the audio-glitch-hiccup-
drop-out-on-playback problem. drivers? ram? buffer settings?

i am using two daisy-chained motu 828mkII's. my projects rarely use 50% of my systems cpu (usually peaks @ 25% w/ plugins, etc) so that shouldn't be the problem. if i select "Motu Fire Wire Audio" as the driver in my Audio Preferences, i experience the glitchy playback problem. however, if i select "Windows Classic Wave Driver", playback seems to be ok. if i select "ASIO", my interface's channels do not show up. weird.

so here is the question: what is the difference between Windows Classic Wave Driver and my Motu Driver? one would think that the Motu driver would be the proper selection. but so far after several successful glitch-free playbacks the WCWD seems to work better.

Subject:RE: glitches w/ acid + motu 828mkII / a solution?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/5/2003 1:17:29 PM

How exactly is the MOTU connected to your system? Via just FireWire?

If Windows Classic works fine but the MOTU setting doesn't, it could be the drivers and how they interact with ACID. I remember M-Audio's Delta ASIO drivers not playing well with ACID 4.0 but WDM drivers were fine (which has since been fixed). It's strange you can't access your multiple inputs/outputs via ASIO, which could be a clue as well.

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