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Subject:New SONY Programs/Old Sonic FoundryPrograms
Posted by: snicholshms
Date:10/30/2003 5:16:03 PM

Just installed Sound Forge7 & Preset Manager2. Noticed they show up in my program directory bundled together under SONY. SF6 & Preset Manager 1 still show up under the Sonic Foundry program directory.

Can we download and reinstall all other SONY products now so they are all under one directory in programs?
Or should we just download as new updates happen?

Subject:RE: New SONY Programs/Old Sonic FoundryPrograms
Reply by: JakeHannam
Date:10/30/2003 7:54:36 PM

Not 100 percent sure but I think the answer is yes. You would have to override the default installation directories for the older apps and change the references from x:\Program\Files\Sonic Foundry to x:\Program Files\Sony. I do think there are a couple of hard-wired directories that you cannot change (for example, the Documents and Settings\Application Data appears to be hard-wired to install on the Windows disk under Sonic Foundry). Other than that, you should be able to put everything under the \Program Files\Sony directory.

If it doesn't work, you could always reinstall to the defaults until they come out with newer versions.

Subject:RE: New SONY Programs/Old Sonic FoundryPrograms
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:10/30/2003 10:35:40 PM

You might not want to do that. One word of warning. I got in the habbit when I installed Sonic Foundry programs as far as when it asked for the program location and the shared plugin locations. Well everytime I did an update I always saved the shared plugins to the same folder, so that all the files always got updated. I called that folder "SF shared Plugins". Well upon, installing Sound Forge 7, I did this same process, and yes it updated all the files in my shared plugin folder. One of those plugins was the MP3 plugin. Well it overwrote the Sonic Foundry MP3 plugin with the new Sony .MP3 plugin because they share the same name. So now everytime I ran a Sonic Foundry product like Vegas 4, Acid 4, CD architect, and Sound Forge 6, I could no longer open .MP3 files with those apps, since the Sonic Foundry version of the plugin had been overwritten. It told me I had to register the plugin, yet there was no way to register it.

Subject:RE: New SONY Programs/Old Sonic FoundryPrograms
Reply by: JakeHannam
Date:10/31/2003 12:00:18 PM

Good advice, Rednroll. I never thought of that.


Subject:RE: New SONY Programs/Old Sonic FoundryPrograms
Reply by: snicholshms
Date:10/31/2003 4:19:48 PM

Thanks for the info, Rednroll...I'll leave the apps alone until SONY upgrades them.

Subject:RE: New SONY Programs/Old Sonic FoundryPrograms
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:10/31/2003 6:37:17 PM

Indeed, you do not want to install in the same directories until Sony gets it all squared away. (Keep ACID 4.0's plug-ins separate for now, for example.)

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