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Subject:windows shutdown when recording more than 20min.
Posted by: soulflyer
Date:10/30/2003 12:38:14 AM

I'm having a problem where my Win2000 box simply shuts it's self down and re-boots after recording about 20-25 min. of audio with SF6.0.
I've got plenty of disc space in the temp directory - does anyone have any other troubleshooting ideas? or has anyone heard of this happening?

please, I need help!

Subject:RE: windows shutdown when recording more than 20min.
Reply by: msterlin
Date:10/30/2003 10:42:10 AM

One thing you might check is the Advanced tab of control panel->System in the Startup and Recovery section. I think w2k has the same settings as XP, but i'm not sure as I haven't used a w2k box in a while. Uncheck 'automatically restart'. It could be that there is an error ocurring that triggers this, which may or may not be related to SF. Also check the error log, there might be some helpful info there.

Subject:RE: windows shutdown when recording more than 20min.
Reply by: Sonic
Date:10/30/2003 2:49:27 PM

Usually a long shot, but check your CPU cooling as well. There are a number of freeware utilities that will keep you aprised of the heat situation inside the box (Intel ActiveMonitor, for one). You might try disabling the record counter in prefs to alleviate some cycles, too.


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