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Subject:Sound Forge 7 - Static problems?
Posted by: edwarr2
Date:9/28/2003 12:08:04 AM

I just upgraded to Sound Forge 7 and I wonder if anyone else has encountered the same problem as I have. When I play a file, I get an inordinate amount of amount of static / electronic disturbance coming through the headphones. This is especially prominent in quieter passages.

So, I immediately think that this must be my system so I try opening the same file in Windows Media Player and play it there ... no problem. No static there.

So then I try opening the same file again but this time I use an older version of Sound Forge, version 5 and ... no problem. No static there either.

So then I go back to Sound Forge 7 ... and the static is still there. But then this gets really interesting ... press the right-click button on the mouse while the piece is playing, the context menu appears and voila the static disappears. Press <Esc> to cancel the right-click menu and it is back again.

Unfortunately this static problem renders Sound Forge 7 pretty much useless for me. I'm hoping that there's an easy solution to this?


Subject:RE: Sound Forge 7 - Static problems?
Reply by: Sonic
Date:9/29/2003 9:28:03 AM

Assuming this is with a compressed format like .wma, you might try saving to .wav and see if the static goes away in that case. You might also try bumping up your device buffer sizes in prefs.

The first update will have a new pref entitled "Always proxy compressed formats" that may help in cases like this.


Subject:RE: Sound Forge 7 - Static problems?
Reply by: edwarr2
Date:10/1/2003 10:35:16 PM

The problem occurs on all WAV/MP3 formats. I've been testing using a .WAV file.

I tried bumping up the buffer sizes and it makes no difference.

If I go to Preferences / Perform and uncheck "Show the position of playback cursor", the staticy interference disappears.

If I go and set the checkmark again, the interference re-appears.

So it would appear that the problem is related to the display of the cursor position as the WAV file is playing. This is too bad because it used to work fine in v5. Very unusual!


Subject:RE: Sound Forge 7 - Static problems?
Reply by: ponzan
Date:10/2/2003 11:49:45 AM

it may a problem with the 100% CPU utilization issue in SF7, check your system and the related post on this forum

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 7 - Static problems?
Reply by: Sonic
Date:10/3/2003 10:49:29 AM

The forthcoming fix for this issue will likely also fix your problem. Stay tuned to the website. The first update is just around the corner.


Subject:RE: Sound Forge 7 - Static problems?
Reply by: edwarr2
Date:10/28/2003 12:52:45 AM

I just downloaded 7.0a, and I'm happy to report that this fixes this problem!

Thanks! Good work!

Subject:RE: Sound Forge 7 - Static problems?
Reply by: sk
Date:10/28/2003 10:33:11 AM

Glad to hear the problem's fixed. I only wanted to add that the only time I heard the static was when I was applying some sort of transform. Then I could tell that there was more static than I'd ever noticed with SoFo 6.


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